Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • An ability to add a Youtube Video on a Single Product Page within the actuall product image thumbnails.

    With video so importnat nowadays this is important. Many WP Woo themes do this already without plugins.

    This is the sort of functionailty I have in mind


  • For query loops, can you add the ability to choose a "parent"?

    Specifically, I'm looking to create a list of pages, which are children of a specific parent.

    This is particularly useful when creating a top level page which has a loop of all child pages that will then automatically display all children (with layouts such as sliding box using feature images).

  • BeTheme blog slider:

    Building on Pantera’s excellent suggestions, of adding tags as a filter, it would be incredibly beneficial if we could also:

    - Add posts by specific post IDs. This allows for more precise control over the content displayed in the slider.

    - Include custom post types in the selection criteria. This feature would significantly enhance the flexibility of the blog slider by allowing a broader range of content to be showcased.

    These enhancements would make the blog slider much more versatile and tailored to individual user needs.

  • I would like to make a suggestion in case you find it interesting to add to BeTheme. It would be interesting if BeBuilder allowed using Dynamic Danta for the color and background color fields. I suppose it would have to be done through ACF Custom Fields. The idea would be to use it for example for Portfolio templates, Page Templates, etc. I have tried adding the ACF tag for the color field in BeBuilder but, as expected, it does not read it.

    Thank you for your time.

  • Adapt cookies to acomplish RGPD EU

  • IMAGE GALLERY SORT BY: Order, Date, Ascend, Descend.

  • Prebuild sections - add default class name for the main section according to name of prebuild section.

    So it will be easier in the future to add CSS modification on several sites/places if you make more than 1 website with it. We already have a lot of sites build on Betheme and we want to focus more on BeBuilder rather than Wp-bakery or Elementor. This will be great addition for us and I hope simple for you to add.

  • It would be great to see pricing tables with a currency switcher toggle bar that doesnt use woocommerce. This would allow us to display pricing in a couple of different currencies along with specififing differing button links on the pricing table depending on the switchers currency

  • I have created two templates, one for the 1st level of product categories and one template for all the rest.

    And for that 2nd template I selected the display conditions to be "Product Category". There are 3 options, shop, product category, product tag.

    Ideally, it would be nice for a 4th option to exist "Product attribute" in order to be able to apply custom template for the attributes pages.

    Hope, that will help more people to apply custom templates per Product attribute/taxonomy

  • You make video tutorial for ACF but you don't implement the function to create custom templates for post type and the archive.

    Elementor have, Divi have, gutemberg have, ecc..

    You are a great theme and builder but without this implementation you are many steps below the other builder and theme.



  • Is there a way the Youtube video player appears when using the blog slider element in the same way as the blog element? All what appears when using the blog slider is the date, title, and read more.

  • I want to have the "Be-Blog" element on website to show at a specific time every week. I see there is "Condition Logic" but in the date field, I cannot choose a specific time. Can this be doable by BeBuilder?

  • Grouped Products - Price Display

    Grouped products are not showing a dynamically changing value as the quantities are altered. It would be great if this could be improved. And also if we could have the option to set the default values?

    To further enhance this type of product - Let's say for example an item needs a quantity of 1 of ITEM 1 and a quantity of 3 for ITEM 2 and a Quantity of 5 for ITEM 3 - therefore making up a Kit or Bundle. The ability to set default values would allow great flexibiility for the theme

  • List element (and other text HTML formatting) inside the accordion. Now you can't do any formatting to the text inside the accordion.

    I myself have a long list of things to present and to save space I thought I'd put the list on an accordion, but instead of presenting things in list form, I have to do the list in the following way: thing 1, thing 2, thing 3, thing 4, etc.

    This would be great addition!

  • Please make it possible to make a pretty curved underline text effect for headings.

  • Contact Box needs a different text and link fields. My clients company is using two different phone numbers for different enquiries and i cant add text to these text field, because they are the same field you need to add the tel: link:

  • Hello, implement a “buy now” button - which, after clicking, will automatically add the product to the cart and send the client to the checkout page, this will greatly increase the conversion.

  • Hi!

    My proposal concerns the Call to action element. Could you add another Call to action element with 2 buttons to the theme? The companies I've done sites for often offer phone and web contact options as contact methods. It's unfortunate that the current call to action button doesn't offer the option of two buttons, but I've had to use the "Title + two buttons" solution shown in image 1. The problem here is that I can't get my "call to action element" to "stand out" on the page using the background colour, as all the elements are separate from each other.

    I also wonder if the text field in the current Call to Action element could be an alternative? Sometimes there are situations where that text field is not needed, but leaving it blank doesn't help because the space is reserved for the text field anyway?

    These changes would give a lot of customization possibilities for sites.

  • Color Palette Repopulating Default Colors

    Please do not repopulate default colors when the value is null.

    If I select 4 colors and delete the rest, please don't repopulate your colors in the editor or the settings.

  • The option to remove betheme or Bebuilder name from every place on the backend.

  • sub menu for a page... So you can have a menu somewhere on the page that is only for that page instead of scroll.

    We had to use feature list for each page as sub menu for those pages.

    But would be great with a better solution

  • edited November 2024

    FAQ Shortcodes can be one of the important parts of a website for SEO. When we place an element FAQ on the site by BeBuilder, it would be very dreamy if a Structured Data was added to the website by the template itself. Not by other plugins. I bring the documentation for this from Google:

  • edited December 2024

    Improve the search. Add search by article.

  • edited January 8

    More ACF compatibilty would be fantastic for using other post types with templates.

    • The possibility to use ACF shortcodes in the BeTheme Image Gallery
    • The possibility to hide a wrap or other element when a specific ACF-field is empty (conditional logic)
  • It would be really helpful to also use a "." as thousands separator?

  • Add Continuous Loop Feature to the Client Slider

    To enhance the user experience and ensure a smooth, uninterrupted viewing of client logos, consider integrating a Continuous Loop feature into your Client Slider. This feature will allow the logos to scroll endlessly in a seamless, fluid motion, eliminating any noticeable stops or breaks between slides.

    This effect provides a polished and professional look, especially when showcasing multiple clients or partners, and keeps the slider moving smoothly without interruption.


  • Enhance Your Slider with a Hover-Activated Extra Image

    Consider adding a hover-activated extra image effect to your slider for a more dynamic and interactive experience. When users hover over a slide, an additional image can appear, providing extra visual context or emphasizing key details.

    This effect can:

    • Reveal alternate views or product details.
    • Highlight special offers or additional information.
    • Make the slider feel more engaging and modern.

  • HI

    Would it be possible to activate a sidebar menu via a button or heading? I would have liked to place this button/header in the header. This could be very interesting and would be a nice addition to a header.

    Currently there is only the option to activate this via the Menu Burger widget.

    Thank you very much!


  • edited February 4

    Promo Box suggestions:

    It should be possible to format text in Context box. Now you have to do it manually with HTML tags, if you want only to change a part of text. Style -> Content applies changes to all the text in the Content.

    Also, if you add button to promo box, you cant change or delete icon from the button. This should be optional.

    And option to change the size of image would also be handy.

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