Language4 Theme default menu
I would like to set a second row in the Language4 theme menu that would be located below the current menu. I would like the current color scheme and functionality to remain unchanged. How can I set this up without creating a new template from scratch?
Thank you.
There is no other option then creating a new header template with the Header Builder.
Best regards
I understand. In that case, could I download the code of the current settings from the website or source files, so that there is no need to configure each element separately and only a rebuild is required? I want to maintain the current menu parameters, and when doing it from scratch, it didn't look as good as the one prepared by you.
No, there is no setting on that.
You can base it on one of the header templates.
Best regards
I understand. In that case, is there at least a possibility to provide details such as colors, etc.? I really care about the consistency of the website, and I can't figure out certain details. Such information would be a huge help. The biggest problem I have is configuring the menu for the mobile version of the site. I don't know how to change the colors in a way that replicates what was created in the original. I would be grateful for any information in this matter.
We have explained in the following tutorial how to create and style mobile menus. Hope this video would help you a lot.