Changing Background, Button & Font Colors for My Account menu, page, and Wishlist
I am using the Cosmetic 3 layout and customizing it to be dark.
Link (click purple button):
Can you help me with the following:
- Change the bg and font color for the 'My Account' dropdown menu?
- My Account page: change link colors and BG
- Button Color in Orders & Wishlist
- Slide Cart Colors: bg, font and button
I have tried playing with the color settings in theme options, but need some help to point me in the right direction.
The link you have sent is not working.
Are you sure that it is correct?
Best regards
Hello Phil,
Sorry about that. My client doesn't have a domain yet, so its a temporary link. It's active again. Can you give it a try?
Did you proceed with any changes?
It shows like this for me:
I could not check the "My Account" page because I do not have credentials to your website.
Best regards
Hi Phil,
Thank you for looking into it. It appears to be in the right colors now.
The text coming up black. How do I change the text to white for these pages?
I can make an account for you to test. Where do I send?
Also, how to change the pricing color for the shop cart?
Try the following CSS codes:
Best regards