Create image gallery as you have in your demo
Dear team,
what setting and image dimensions did you use in this demo :
Because my images are pixelized: and I'd like to have paysage images as you do.
Thank you.
what setting and image dimensions did you use in this demo :
Because my images are pixelized: and I'd like to have paysage images as you do.
Thank you.
we always use 300x300 images sizes. Your images are 150x150 and that's why are pixelized.
so I need to change thumnail size here : and make thumbnail reset?
thank you in advance,
I set my thumbnails to 300x300, Large images to 1200x1200, installed and activated Force Regenerate Thumbnails, uploaded new images and they are still blurred.
Please help, thank you!
no, they I not blurred when I switched to the default 2015 theme, see :
any idea what is wrong?
thank you