Sorting posts by love featured
Thank you for the great new update.
I found how to sort posts according to various parameters. And I want to add a sort of love.
For exaple i have:
$order = "&order=DESC";
if ($_POST['select'] == 'title') { $order = "&order=ASC&orderby=title"; }
if ($_POST['select'] == 'newest') { $order = "&order=DESC"; }
if ($_POST['select'] == 'oldest') { $order = "&order=ASC"; }
if ($_POST['select'] == 'mcommented') { $order = "&order=DESC&orderby=comment_count"; }
if ($_POST['select'] == 'lcommented') { $order = "&order=ASC&orderby=comment_count"; }
if ($_POST['select'] == 'love') { $order = "what the code need put here ?"; }
I found how to sort posts according to various parameters. And I want to add a sort of love.
For exaple i have:
$order = "&order=DESC";
if ($_POST['select'] == 'title') { $order = "&order=ASC&orderby=title"; }
if ($_POST['select'] == 'newest') { $order = "&order=DESC"; }
if ($_POST['select'] == 'oldest') { $order = "&order=ASC"; }
if ($_POST['select'] == 'mcommented') { $order = "&order=DESC&orderby=comment_count"; }
if ($_POST['select'] == 'lcommented') { $order = "&order=ASC&orderby=comment_count"; }
if ($_POST['select'] == 'love') { $order = "what the code need put here ?"; }
please notice that we do not offer code customizations so if you want to do any changes in theme files you must do them yourself at your own risk.
Thanks for understanding!