Is it possible to hide featured images from a main blog page?

This might be a "why would you want to do that" question but my client doesn't have featured images for every post. So, for the main blog post page we have a mish-mash of some images and some not so the page is very ugly. Is it possible to hide the featured images from the Blog element? There must be a setting but I can't find it in the element editor or in the global settings.


  • Hi,

    what you can do is built custom template for Blog page and this way, you can define what you would like to display and what not. However, if for some reason, you don't want to build custom template, you can hide featured images on blog page with custom css:

    .blog .blog_wrapper .image_frame {
      display: none;
  • Thank you, the CSS did the trick. I'm not comfortable building a custom template.

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