Single Post Template - Not editable
I've been trying to do a single post template, but it's not working, or I am doing something wrong.
When I try to edit the template with Be Builder it shows the default theme settings, and I am not able to add any element.
However, if I publish the template the post pages turn out empty, as it is reading the template.
I've attached a video, Please let me know how to fix this.
Thank you,
Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason.
Please attach a link to this forum discussion.
Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.
Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.
Thank you for your reply, Could you please clarify how to share FTP access or what folders you need access too?
I am not an experienced developer, so it would be great if you could clarify.
Currently using Winscp
We need an access to FTP folder where WP installation is. There are files like .httaccess or wp-config.php. And please send these details via form we told you above, so we can help you :)
Hello There
I am just re-visiting this ticket as am still having the issue, regarding access, i am using not .org, so am not sure about wp installation
My website:
If you are using, see the following article:
Best regards
Hello there
I've sent you the access thru ( as requested.
Sent from this email: [email protected]
I received your FTP access only without the WP dashboard.
Please send another message with complete data.
sorry, WP access sent
The credentials you sent do not work:
Please resend them, but ensure that they work. Note to send complete data, which means WP credentials, FTP credentials, and a link to this forum discussion.
Best regards
I am not sure if you managed to log in now or not, but it seems to be working and i was able to edit the single post template. on that i do have few questions related, i wish you will be able to help.
1-Can i hide the category from breadcrumbs, I want it only to show, Home>News & Media>Post Title
2-The share element: On mobile it doesn't open the apps it just open the webpage of that app and asks to log in
3-I use WP Job Openings plugin to manage the careers section, and by default it uses the post template for the job listing, would you be able to direct me on how to assign a template to jobs? i know its a third part app and you might not be able to help on that.
1) There is no option to hide the category from breadcrumbs.
2) Unfortunately, it does not depend on the theme and share element, but on how the devices handle such links.
3) Sorry, but we did not test this plugin with the theme. Our policy states that we do not support third-party plugins or custom code, so we cannot help you.
Also, we cannot recommend any plugins other than the ones we support. You can find the list on this page:
Thank you for the support, Appreciated.