Smooth scroll within a page
I understand from the documentation that I can add the word scroll to the CSS Classes field in a menu so that clicking on the menu activates smooth scrolling to a custom id on the same page.
However, I want a user to be able to click on a link attached to a page item (e.g. an Our Team item) that points to the custom id of a section further down the page and have the same smooth scroll. In other words, they are clicking within the page, not on a menu.
I have tried adding the word scroll to the Custom CSS classes field in the section I want to scroll from and tried adding it to the section I am scrolling to. However, all I get is a jump rather than a smooth scroll.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please bear in mind that my understanding of CSS is limited so if you could spell out exactly what I need to enter and where it would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks for a great theme.
please send us url to page where you got those links and we`ll see if this will be possible. We need to have a look on it first.
Thanks for understanding!