
  • basically trying to use as a sidebar
  • You can create test site and use new Muffin Builder 3.0 beta version which was included into latest theme version. With new builder version this should be possible.
  • how do I upgrade new muffin builder 3.0 to existing one will I lose my setup and data
  • When we did it on our side, we did not lost anything. But it's beta version because we are testing it. So before this update, we recommend to back-up your current files just in case.
  • ok perfect
  • I have upgraded to latest theme with new builder how do I do now I cannot find option to increast the height of column and float it on right hand side.
  • You can add wrap and inside you can use whatever you want. This way you can have more and bigger items in wrap elements. But on the other side, you can use smaller elements. But height like height, can not be set. This is just impossible. We thought that WRAP item where you can set as much as you want will be enough.

    We got also one more idea. You can set custom class name for the item where you want to increase height and if you will send us url to page where you did it, we can check if it is possible to increase height of this item via css.
  • how do I use wrap sorry its a new thing for me. Thanks
  • WRAP is a new item under Muffin Builder. Until you won't add wrap, you won't be able to add items.
  • OK I have upgraded to builder 3.0 and When I go to add section > add item > ? I cannot see wrap sorry.
  • If you got Add Section > Add item only, it means you don't have newest builder 3.0. Please just add item then that you want to increase in height, set custom class name for this item and send us url to page where you got it and we'll show you how to increase it's height with css.
  • I have updated to latest theme and I could see on be theme page 9.7.3 is there any way I can do something to upgrade builder to 3.0.

  • Managed to get builder 3.0 but then I lost sidebar option for sections. Is there any other way I can add sidebar to sections. Thanks
  • also notice on page layout option > layout > right sidebar doesnt work. May be I am doing something wrong
  • You can update theme to version 10.0 which is already available and you will get the new builder. You can also stay with older version of you prefer.
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