sub menu items in overlay header mode

Hi, how can i have the submenus items shown with the overlay header menu mode ? 

I've changed the depth value in the menu declaration (theme-menu.php file) and now the submenus items are shown correctly but i cannot target them via css.

There's a ul.submenu class available but the changes won't apply when i try to modify the font size or color for example.

Could you help ?


  • Hi,

    which submenus you mean? Please show them us on screenshot and also provide url to site where you got them.
  • I'm actually working on v2 of the site which i bought the theme, so it's localhost for now but here is the screenshot. but submenu i mean secondaty level items (subpages for example).... 

    In my screenshot below the "ressource" item is a sub item of "Proposer un projet". I need to assign some different css styling to this sub item.

    thanks for your help

  • We are sorry but with this header type it is not possible to have sub-menu items unfortunately. This header type is reserved for 1 level menus only.
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