Zoombox issues



  • Hi folks,

    There's something really weird down here around the way Zoom box work under mobile devices specially with IOS 9.1 in Safari. When I access your be/webdesign theme from it, it gives me the hover effect and expected behaviour in all zoom boxes the way I wanted. But, when I go to our (now in production -> www.events.com.br/novosite), it doesn't work as Webdesign theme demo. See by yourselves. 
    This is really weird. The other thing I noticed is that works with new Firefox for IOS but not over Chrome and Safari for IOS. Can't figure out what's going on. In the URL above, I reproduced the exactly zoom box from Webdesign demo and didn't change anything. Still not working.

    Can you guys please check it out more deeply what can be interfering on its effect or shortcode behaviour? There''s should be something. 

    thanks for it.

    happy thanksgiving but the way :-)
  • We investigated really a lot of time in your questions and we did not found anything wrong. We have no idea what may be wrong on your site because we completely do not see any difference between the code on your site and our demo. All we can suggest is to create another fresh installation of WP with NO plugins and install fresh copy of theme there to check.
  • Hey!
    That's what we did when we decided to install Be/Webdesign theme in a fresh WP. See here: http://brightland.com.br/wpteste/home-2/

    That works but not under IOS 9.1 or Chrome. Wouldn't be something related to environment like hosting or something? Cause when we access the same demo but on your URL, it works. I mean the hover effect. The only way I could demonstrate such thing will be through a video comparing both side by side. 
  • can we have Prev/Next button on portfolio zoom lightbox?
  • @epimazzo If you want, you can record the video but we know what you mean and like we previously wrote, we have no idea where the difference is and why it works differently because we do not see anything wrong in the code. On both sides, code is the same and we do not understand why it works different. Sorry!

    @tateyah No, this is not possible unfortunately.
  • Hey there!

    The only explanation I see is the fact you guys run your Demos in a different environment. I mean, hosting provider. We run all our web services in Hostgator US. That's the only gap I can imagine as an issue but can't figure out why and how. :-(((
  • Guys,

    Have you really tried the following link on your own IOS 9.1 devices using Safari?
    -> http://www.eventus.com.br/novosite

    See all zoom boxes and feel the effect while rolling the page from one box to another. Sorry...I know it seems crazy but even Be/WebDesign demo didn't work for us. The expect result from should be a hover effect showing the internal text or link with a delay first prior to open the URL. 
  • Folks,

    Came up with another possible thinking..if we start thinking about a conflict between plugins (like ones that use Ajax ou JS), what could interfere with the Zoombox shortcode?
  • We did checked all possible variations and we have no idea what may be the difference between your site and our demo. We investigated a lot of time in your question and unfortunately we did not found anything. And like you said, maybe it's due to a different environment but because we are not admin experts, we don't know what this may be.
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