Include Page Title in Content WP

Is there a way that I can include the page title in the Content WP block in the builder?  I can't find where I can add it in.


  • Sorry but we don't get it. How exactly you want to do it? Would be great if you can show us on screenshot.
  • Normally, you display the page title in the sub-header, but I want to display it in the content area.

    I am using the Muffin Builder and am using the Content WP Block:

    I want to display the Page Title in this Content WP Block so that when it displays the Content, it displays the page title at the top but in the Content area.

    I suspect, I can do this by adding the title tag into the Content WP Block shortcode.
  • So if you want to display title in the content, you must use Column item with heading content inside inside and hide the subheader with included options under Theme options > Header & Subheader > Subheader section.
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