Padding between heading and Blog list view and removing post meta data in the list view

edited January 2016 in Blog
Hi there, 

could you please provide css to remove the padding between the heading "blog" and the blog post list underneath.

also how can i remove all the meta data in the list view and only have the date appear as well as the excerpt?

Thanks a lot!


  • Hi Anja,

    looks like you set this padding locally for the section item.
  • Hi,

    thanks for that and sorry, I hadn't noticed!

    Could you also help me with the other questions, how can i remove all the meta data in the list view and only have the date appear as well as the excerpt?

    I also have not been able to disable the love box next to the heading in the single post view, under betheme options, there is no switch, where i can turn it of, it just says love box and then blog, portfolio, but it seems I can't change the setting.

    Really appreciate your help.
    Thanks and all the best,
  • 1. Which data you mean exactly? Please show us on screenshot.

    2. Love box can be disabled under Theme options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > General section.
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