No readable mobile menu

edited January 2016 in Menu / Mega menu
Hi guys,

When you access the website from a mobile device like tablets (ipad for instance), the BG of the top menu is transparent. So, sub-items can't be readable. I'd like to add a #fff as the main color on it? Is it possible? 




  • Hi,

    I figured out how to do it by adding this: 

    Thanks :-)

    #Header .top_bar_left, .header-classic #Top_bar, .header-stack #Top_bar, .header-split #Top_bar, .header-fixed #Top_bar, .header-below #Top_bar, #Header_creative, #Top_bar #menu { background-color: #000 !important; }
  • Great, we are glad to see that you sorted it yourself.
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