How to recover after 'Reset to Defaults' in settings section wipes entire site.


I set a subheader background image and then removed it, but it didn't disappear no matter what I did. So, I saw, within the sub-header section, a button that said 'Reset to Defaults'. Apparently, despite appearing in the section view, strongly suggesting it applies only to that section, it has actually wiped every single setting across the entire theme. Why on earth such a nuclear button is so carelessly placed everywhere across the settings panel I have no idea, and I sincerely hope that is addressed very soon.

Meanwhile, is there any hope for the website which has now been entirely restored to default after days of work?

Thank you


  • I actually know what you're going to say because I read how you responded to other frustrated customers in the past. You're going to say, "but there's a warning message so it's your fault". My argument is that, because the 'Reset to default' button appears in each and every section, it could easily be assumed that it is referring to that particular section (which would be a useful button, too). So, when it says 'Resetting will lose all custom values' it could easily be assumed that it is still referring only to the particular section you are editing. Perhaps a simple amend, so the message reads, 'Are you sure? Clicking this button will reset the custom values across your entire site.'
  • We are very happy to see that you read other messages. We really appreciate it. So if you read other topics, you won't hear anything else here. Anyway, we will consider your 'Are you sure? Clicking this button will reset the custom values across your entire site.' message.
  • This button needs to be removed from each section and only exist in one location with ample warning. Or. . . The button only resets that section.

    I just lost all the work I had done on a site by pressing it in the Social section.

  • It's happened to me too. You would think "Reset to Defaults" would just apply to the section you're in and not undo everything you've set up.
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one who assumed this logic. From reading the other posts though, it seems the muffingroup are determined to keep that button there so don't expect anything to change. In another thread, they said they will keep it there because 'some people find it useful'. Well, I wonder if the convenience of having a nuclear option in every single section outweighs the destruction it causes for those who hit it without knowing its power. I strongly doubt it, but I also strongly doubt anything will change.
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