Two Issues with my Installation / LOGO and Offer slider thumb

Dear Support Team,

First of all, many thanks for this great theme. I´ve got two little issues with my site.

1: Logo header
When I'm scrolling the site down and the sticky header will be show, the logo breaks (looks distorted) in SAFARI and FIREFOX (MAC)

2: Offer slider thumb
This bug is very scary. When i open the site "Turnier" - "Teams" with SAFARI (MAC) and click on a link "WEBSITE", the teamsite will be opened in a new tab. When i close the new team site tab and go back to the site "Teams" the logo row are unsortet.

Please let me know, if you need more informations
Many thanks,


  • Hey,

    1. At this moment we are not able to check it on Mac so please send us screenshot of what you mean and we`ll see what we can do.

    2. We also need screenshot because we don`t see anything like that.
  • Hey,

    Many thanks for this quick reply. 

    1. Here are the Screenshot image
    2. I have fixed this issue. I've set the status from one "Offer" from "Publised" to "Draft" modus. Now I put this offer in basket and everything works fine.

    Many thanks,
  • 1. Hmm, we think that we saw something similar in the past. Please use below css and we hope that this will help you: #logo img { width: auto !important; }
  • GREAT!! 
    Many thanks, this works perfectly for me!

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