How to get and import XML file with demo content?
Before you can get xml file for theme you need to get purchase code for item and your nickname from Themeforest (please remember xml downloader form is case sensitive and if your nickname is for example: NickName then exactly the same one must be pasted into Themeforest username field). Your purchase code should be also pasted/copied without any empty spaces or anything like that. So the best way to do that is copy purchase code from "Downloads" section from your Themeforest user panel and paste into simple text editor (ex. notepad) and then check and copy into XML downloader. If you're wondering where you can get purchase code, image below will explain you everything:

For download the XML file with demo content please at first go to page
In next step please select a product for which you need xml file (in this case please choose Be|theme). Also please paste your themeforest username and purchase code. After that just click "Download" and your file should start downloading.
However if you are not able to get XML file from our xml downloader, then you can send us pm with question about xml file for your theme, using contact form on our profile's page (right bottom section). After that we`ll send you file with dummy content ASAP (usually it takes less than 24 hours).
However if you are not able to get XML file from our xml downloader, then you can send us pm with question about xml file for your theme, using contact form on our profile's page (right bottom section). After that we`ll send you file with dummy content ASAP (usually it takes less than 24 hours).
When you got this file on your computer you can import it into your wordpress (please import this file only after installation nollie theme). Below video will explain how to properly import this file.
This xml file and theme has been also tested by Hostgator team and all works fine without any problems so the problem must be definitely on your side.
We also don`t understand what is limited in control panel... If you don`t know how to change something, you can ask on forum and we always help with each problem. We also can give you css for any thing you like. It`s really pity to get such low rating because of incomprehensible reasons while all works fine everything you wrote above has been tested.
BTW Revolution Slider is external plugin and slides must be uploaded themselves. They never comes with default theme .xml file. Sliders got own .zip files which are included into package as well.
Import WordPress
Sorry, there has been an error.
ThanksThis does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number
did you tried to upload .zip package where all files are or you unpacked .zip file and tried to upload one of .xml files?
Maybe you can find answer on your question on,+missing/invalid+WXR+version+number+wordpress&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=sb
Where can i get the zip file for the sliders?? unable to trace that in your XMLs zip file.
Thanks for understanding!