Our team with style circle bug in Safari on PC and Mac
We noticed a problem on Safari while using the Muffin builder with Our Team and circle style. The picture is in front of the circle instead of the back and invisible if outside of the circle. (http://test-www.mobiquithings.com/the-team/)
There is no problem with Firefox and Chrome on PC and Mac.
We use the version 3.8 of the theme.
Thanks for your help.
we recommend to update theme because we have no idea what could be the problem. We have checked your code and looks fine. Also as you can see on our demo, it works ok so the problem is only on your side. Maybe you should also turn off all plugins?
Hope one of above recommendations will help you. Thanks for understanding!
Yes, we see it. This will be fixed with next update but at this moment, please add below custom css into your theme: