Events tiles like a blog

Hello guys!

Do you know of a way to show events on my homepage, just like the blog posts masonry tiles that are showing there right now? 

I would love to show the first three coming events over there (under agenda on my home). I hope you know a way to fix this! Thank you. 


  • Hi,

    we are not sure if we get your question. Do you mean that you want to install The Events Calendar plugin and change it's look to be the same as blog items?
  • No. I want to show (3 of the) the events on my homepage exactly like the blog items (in Masonry Tiles style). Do you think this is possible? Just like i have the 3 blog posts on my home right now.
  • We don't understand what Events you mean. The only plugin that has been tested with this theme is The Events Calendar (we mentioned it above). Except this plugin we did not tested any other.

    However, if the most important is Masonry Tiles layout look, it can be used with blog items only.
  • Hello,

    I'm having a similar question.

    The Events Calendar has an option saying "Include Events into Blog Loop", which I checked.

    I will, however, not see any events in my Blog Loop using BeTheme. Are there any requirements for this to work that I have overseen?

  • @thomson89 Sorry but we do not have anything like this included.
  • edited March 2016
    That is a bit confusing to me, since you specifically stated that BeTheme was tested with The Events Calendar.

    Now what The Events Calendar does is, it adds posts into the blog loop, which works just fine as it should.

    But once I activate BeTheme, the theme is supressing some of the posts (the events) that should be in the loop. So I figured it must be a bug on BeThemes side.
  • The Events Calendar works with BeTheme exactly the same way as it works with default WP theme. IT has the same functionality, etc. So if this plugin adds posts into the blog loop of default theme, please show it to us. Please show us the difference between default and Be themes.
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