
edited November 2016 in Menu / Mega menu

I was wondering, if the plugin "parallax gravitiy" is working with the betheme. I was building some portfolio parallax website with the plugin, but cant manage to put the one-pagers into the menu of the normal website.

a portfolio site:
this is how the menu and footer should be on the one-pager of the parallax gravity:

They described here how is should work, but I cant find the options on the betheme sites.

NOTE! In order to set one of Parallax Landing Pages as home page you should:

1. Create a regular page from "Admin > Pages > Add new"

2. Set the newly created page as front page from "Settings > Reading > Front page displays > A static page"

3. Select the newly created page from the list below.

4. Select the Landing Page you want to show up on frontpage from the list below.


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