Menu sidebar will not resize

I'm having major problems with the size of the sidebar in Disco theme. 
It was adjustable initially but due to the following no longer is.

tried to use visual composer on a site that I built on the Disco
theme.  Thinking that it was like the muffin builder I adjusted the
columns or the video I added with visual composer.  That messed up the
entire site, resetting even which items were nested within each muffin
builder box.  After I resorted all that out I discovered that some of
the componenets of the theme were no longer working.  So I reinstalled
the Disco demo data and that fixed most of it.  I still could not use
the sidebar slider to adjust the size of the sidebar.  It is not set as
wide as the disco theme and we are forced to use tiny fonts.  So then we
reinstalled betheme and I still can not adjust the sidebar.

Please advise.


  • Hi,

    what exactly happen? Slider width does not work in the back-end (can not be saved) or back-end changes do not apply to front-end? Any url to site where this happen?
  • We did a reinstall of the theme to return to original settings. Thank you.
  • Ok, great :) We're glad to hear that all is fine now.
  • My menu does not scroll or display on devices that are smaller or have a lower screen resolution. In other words the bottom of the menu is missing and cannot be reached.

  • Please show us on screenshot what is happening exactly and also please provide the link to page where this happen.
  • Please advise on how a image is to be uploaded to here. 
  • Please update theme because looks like your version is outdated and that's why you can not scroll the section where menu on the left side is.
  • We have updated the site.  It still does not have a side menu that moves up so that the entire menu can be seen on smaller laptop screens.  In other words, updating did nothing to fix the issue.  Please advise.
  • We did checked your site and now looks like side menu can be scrolled. On our side, it works as should now. Just hover over menu on the left side and scroll to see the effect.
  • Yes I found the option to add scrolling after I posted.  Sorry.  My time is very limited and it never occurred to me that it would be an option that needed to be enabled.  However now the site has gained a one inch blank space to the right of the menu that throws off the alignment of the entire site.  Is there a global way to fix this.  I adjusted a couple of background images by cropping them but that does not fix the other elements, like text boxes. 
  • Please show us on screenshot where exactly you got it because to be honest we do not see any blank space to the right of the menu.
  • edited April 2016
    Ok, I figured out how to post it but not how to delete this post.  The image of the file is in the next post.  If you will notice, in that image, there is a wider pink edge on one side than the other.  The entire site was very carefully adjusted originally so that each element fit in perfect alignment with no uneven arches.  Notice that the text in the paralax layer on top is still centered and therefore does not site squarely in the middle of the arches now.  Some of the other text areas on the site are off alignment now though.  Before the menu was adjusted and the site updated, the images seemed to float under the side menu.  Now they are in a box that runs next to it.  This represents a huge effort to repair if each box has to be done individually. 
  • But it does not look the same on our end. As you can see on it looks good and we don't know why exactly it looks like that on your side.
  • edited April 2016
    The gap may be missing on your pasteboard version but the background image in that section is not aligning centered on the page.  However the text is.    If the background was aligned the same as it was originally put on the page it would be a perfect frame for the words, and there would be an even amount of pink columns on each side.  I've looked at this in firefox, chrome, and exporer.  It displays varying degrees of issues on each platform, though less on chrome than the other two.  I also tried ctrl+ and ctrl- on each platform in an attempt to see if the issue was on my end.  No matter what I did it did not fix the center of the image. 
  • Also I can tell you why it looks different.  I'm a graphic artist and use two large monitors side by side to work.  However I am viewing the site in only one window at a time.  If I adjust the size of the firefox window down I can get it to display exactly like you showed me.  I already tried to adjust the default width of the site to 1920 and that does not fix the issue either.
  • I adjusted the width to 1280.  It fixed some of the issues.  I guess I just want to know that if I fix all these boxes that I'm not going to have to do this again the next time there is another update. 
  • Sorry but is it ok now or still something is wrong?
  • I am not sure whether to start a new thread for this next problem or not.  After adjusting it to 1280 It kept locking up firefox while we were on the page.  So I put it back at 1240.  However I'm seeing a white line under the scroll bar on the right hand side now.  Plus it is flashing white boxes around the separate areas of the page and the site keeps locking up firefox. 
  • Can you show us on screenshot how this scrollbar looks like? Because we do not see anything like that on our end.
  • There is another scrollbar that flashes briefly next to the menu but it does that too fast to capture.
  • In which browser, what computer (pc or mac) you got it? Because we do not see it on our end.
  • In firefox on both a mac and a pc.  Windows ten on the pc, windows 7 on the mac. 
    Chrome is fine. 
    Explorer scrolls in jerks on the pc, I have not tested it on the mac. 

    The rest of our hardware should not make a difference since it has the white edge under the scrollbar in both mac and pc and since both devices have drastically different graphic abilities.
  • - this is how it looks like on our end. The light space on the right side is for nice scroll. If you don't like it, you can deactivate it easily under Theme options > Addons & Plugins > Addons section.
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