Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • It would be great to have context-sensitive help in the BeTheme backend.
    Many explanations are lacking, some of them are confusing.
    1. Decrease number of files within your theme for faster load.
    2. Disable Google Font option on theme options page.
    3. minimize, merge, make things as small and less as possible.
  • 1. Add rel attribute to [button] shortcode. (rel="nofollow)
  • Hello! :)

    It would be great to have one more field in SEO options - "add image". So if people share the link in social network the specific image will be attached to the link.

    Thank you. You are amazing :)
  • A page break option would be very very helpful, and I don't think it requires too much work for you guys.
    Since the command <! --nextpage--> does not work on any editors, neither wordpress or muffin builder. So whatever of this kind would be helpful for long posts, whether you add it as an option to muffin builder or simply gets acceptable on classic editor. One of our organizations page is put on hold because of this, since we have a very large list of fancy links within a page, and it requires a lot of scrolling - and the page break / next page option will solve the problem.

    Hopefully you will consider this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Keep up the great job!
  • What about AMP Google, which plugin you recommend?
  • Remove Pinterest share bottom in "Share box" and add LinkedIn bottom. Moreover, be able to configurate de Social Networks in Share box
  • Team member email to be displayed as text, not only as icon (or to let people chose if they want icon or text).
  • Hi, one good option should be more color option with BETTER definition and a quick guide where the color is apply. This will save me lots of time :)
  • Carousel options will be help us, today I can set height, width, columns nothing.
  • 1. Most popular article
    2. A brand new newspaper theme (BePress 2 maybe)
  • A portfolio with ajax animation. Each project openning on the same page. Like this :
  • it would be nice to have the option to insert ads between post. e.g after every 5th post an add will be shown

  • sorry it was no intention to post the text that big 
  • Sticky bottom menu  8->
  • it would be wonderfull if it was possible to add second menu at top right for any betheme that when we install website with store
    than we could let our customer login register and etc fron that top right menu
  • Where ever you have the option to change the background color (Section and Wrap), please include an option to change the text color.
  • Where ever you have the option to change the background color (Section and Wrap), please include an option to change the text color.
  • Ajax load more feature for pages. 
  • I was wondering if you guys could add an export option button to the individual sections.
    Let's say I have 4 Sections but in 1 of those sections is supposed to be repeated on other pre-made pages (the client added this idea last minute).
    So now, I want to import the content from that section ONLY on several other pages without exporting / importing the entire content area and losing the original content on those pages. I hope that makes sense.
  • Hello there!

    I would really appreciate a change of how the "back to top" and "mail" buttons in the footer's extra section work.
    They could, for example, move the social icons a bit left so that they are even visible if someone scrolls to the bottom.
  • Thank you for this great theme, you can really achieve a lot with it. As I used it for the first time and have a lot of experience with different wp themes, I do have some remarks that could make Betheme even better.

    - Add a link to the BeTheme options in the MAIN dashboard pannel, not as a sublink to Appearance, it saves a click or dropdown ;-)
    - Add a preloader possibility ( as in the jupiter heme ) It would make the page load more smoothly
    - The translate options are really great, but can this be added for the terms on the comment form too? I would need this so I can revert my WP theme changes.
    - I also miss the typical contact icons before the contact details if you would like to integrate a contact widget in the footer, so maybe adding a contact widget would be great!

    That's it. thanks in advance!
    Buro 86

  • Please can you create a new "Wedding" themed theme for couples about to get married and want to use the website for after the wedding date. 

    Great theme. So user friendly.

  • I would love to see some more options for customization like:

    - Options to load text out of post type (example: clients slider, add title)
    - A list of classes to add to the muffinbuilder items (example: add class white to text)
    - Option to change to icon location in fancy heading
    - Option to chose color of the element in the muffin builder
    - More customization options in general

    Things like this would help me make the websites I make with BeThemes more unique!
  • When adding sidebars via theme options would be nice if the name also became that sidebar's ID or class.
  • I really need muffin builder to assigned capabilities to edit/add/delete layout based on user roles (admin, editor, author, etc). 

    What I need to is for my clients to be able to edit the text or change the image ONLY, and not changing the element settings. 

    Right now it is too risky to hand it over to my clients since they have full access to change the settings. 
  • Font size and color selection
  • I would love to be able to change the width of the menu bar with the style Creative : always open.
  • It would be nice to be able to control the column sizing based on the breakpoints. For example you would have a 4 column layout on desktop, then on your tablet breakpoint you could do two columns, then have them stack on mobile. 

    Similar to bootstraps classes of "col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-lg-3".
  • It would be nice to have the possibility of making anchor links to the specific tabs.

    Unfortunately the second issue we couldn't realise with the theam is to insert dynamic values in the "Quick fact" item. For example showing page visits in the "Quick fact" or pass some other numbers from other shortcodes or database.
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