Site really slow when using BeTheme

edited April 2016 in Theme support

First-off, I am using the most recent version of both betheme and wordpress.

I have used this template in the past, without any problem. But right now, it is causing my Wordpress to run really slow. So slow that I sometimes get 500 and 404 errors in both the admin and the front-end.

When I switch to the 2014 WP theme, all is fin and I don't have errors anymore and the site loads normally. Could you let me know what could be causing this?



  • Hi,

    it's pointless to compare BeTheme with default theme which does not have even 1% of options and features of our theme. The problem you mentioned above, is not related with theme but with the limits on your server side. We suggest to check Appearance > System Status section where all limits are listed.
  • Thanks for the quick response! Here are the  limits:
    WP Version: 4.4.2
    WP Memory Limit: 256 MB
    WP Debug Mode:
    Server Environment
    Server Info: Apache
    PHP Version: 5.2.17
    PHP Post Max Size: 128 MB
    PHP Time Limit: 300
    PHP Max Input Vars: 20000
    SUHOSIN Installed:    
    MySQL Version: 5.5.44
    Max Upload Size: 128 MB
    Default Timezone is UTC: ✔   
    fsockopen/cURL: ✔
    DOMDocument: ✔
    Remote Get: ✕ WordPress function wp_remote_get() test failed. Contact your hosting provider. Status code: 401
  • Limits looks fine, just the PHP version is very old and your server is not fully WP ready because is not compatible with wp_remote_get() function. But we are not sure if this could be the reason because we are not server experts.
  • Thank you, I will contact my hosting provider
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