No Alt-Attribute on Header Logo


even after googeling a lot and searching in this (and other) forums I still can't manage to insert an alt attribute to my header Logo. This is the source code of the section in my hompage how it gets produced:

<a id="logo" href="" title="Coaching für Männer"><img class="logo-main scale-with-grid" src="" alt=""><img class="logo-sticky scale-with-grid" src="" alt=""><img class="logo-mobile scale-with-grid" src="" alt=""></a>

This leads to several SEO errors, although in the media libary this image has an alt text.

In this forum i found for example "Logo alt tag is always the same as page title." but this seems not to be tru for my page.

How can I fix this?

Kind regards,


  • Hi Gregor,

    logo has alt tag what you can see on our demo. Alt tags comes from Media section where all media are.

  • I have the same problem. Only with my logo-sticky and logo-mobile the alt tag stays empty. The others are filled.

    I filled all image alt tags under the Media section and still the image alt tag is not showing. See below.

    <img class="logo-sticky scale-with-grid" src="" alt="" />
    <img class="logo-mobile scale-with-grid" src="/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/logo-1.png" alt="" />

    Do u have an idea where this comes from and how to fix it?

    Kind regards, Milan
  • We did checked it on our end and it works fine. If you will send us private message with dashboard access, we will check what exactly you did wrong.
  • edited October 2016
    It isn't just their site that is doing this.  I have 5 sites all running the BeTheme and they too are missing the Alt attribute for the logo.

    I did some quick digging and it appears that the only two files that call out the logo parameters are:

    \includes\header-creative.php (starting at Line 108 and ending at Line 121)
    \includes\header-top-area.php (starting at Line 147 and ending at Line 161)

    From what I can tell it is the header-top-area.php file that is making the call to pull the Alt information for all of the sites I've got running.

  • @CicorMarketing Please be so kind and send us dashboard access privately thru contact form which is on the right side at with details to page where alt attribute for logo does not work so we can have a look on it. Please don’t forget to let us know what for the access is.
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