Template feature erased my entire site

FYI - Your "Template" feature does not work properly. I tried to import a template and was VERY careful to choose insert AFTER content. However, it replaced all of my content on the page and the entire site is gone. All of the content that was on the Muffin Builder was erased... and it didn't even add the template item I was importing. The page must automatically "Update" once you attempt an import, because everything was permanently gone. 40+ hours of work, gone.

This is not the first time there has been a BeTheme bug and my site has been badly effected. I didn't have a backup yet of this particular site. I am very, very unhappy with Muffin Group right now and don't think I will continue purchasing your themes.


  • Hi,

    this is how this feature exactly works. Templates replace existing content with the template's content. This is how it supposed to work exactly. If you lost the content, you need to contact with your admin then and ask him for a backup from the time before you did this import.

  • I am also facing this problem. I understand that the theme of the function "replace template" will replace the content, but I selected the option to INSERT AFTER CONTENT, it erases all the content already created and does not add a template to build. Is it a conflict or bug my theme?
  • @rafaelpesilva That's definitely weird. Did you tried to re-install theme files via FTP? If you didn't please do this. Please also deactivate all extra plugins.
  • I have the exact same problem. When I choose my Template and I choose REPLACE current builder content, then this work fine. The current builder content are replaced.

    But when I choose Insert BEFOR current builder content or Insert AFTER current builder content then all content from muffin builder on this page will be deleted and the template is not inserted.

    This musst be a bug!
  • Yes, @muffingroup, I have the same problem as @rafaelpesilva and @dimizu

    It is definitely a bug. All three of us have the same issue and we've explicitly stated that we chose the Insert Before or Insert After feature... not the Replace feature

    Please send an update on this. Thanks.
  • We did checked it today on other version and you are right about that. Something has changed in recent WP 4.5 version. We are working on it already and hope this would be sorted with next theme update.
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