Adjdust mobile Logo to left (not centered)

Hi there, how can I adjust the logo on smartdevices to left border (like on my desktop version on ?
Also - is there a possibility to change the background color of the mobile menu or does it follow the options of the regular desktop version (in BeTheme options panel)?



  • Hi,

    it's not possible unfortunately because header is inside wrapper and it's not possible to move it more to the left side. The only thing you can do is remove padding and margin for logo on mobile devices only with the following css:
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
        #Top_bar #logo, .header-fixed #Top_bar #logo, .header-plain #Top_bar #logo, .header-transparent #Top_bar #logo { padding: 0 !important; }
        #Top_bar .logo #logo { margin: 0 !important; }
    But to change the background color of mobile menu, you need to use the following css:
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #Top_bar #menu > ul { background: #000 !important; }
  • this helps a lot - thatnks for finding out a solution that works!!!
    is the logo size controlled by the size I upload or can I adjust the size of the logo (making it smaller) similar to the dsktop version by entering the max widht/height?


  • Logo size can be controlled under Theme options > Global > Logo > Advanced section.
  • Yes, but I wonder how I can adjust speicfically the size in mobile devices... as far as I could see, there is only one option for the logo size (globally)...
    any idea?
    thanks in advance
  • Yes, the option is global and we do not have any option to adjust the size in mobile devices only unfortunately.
  • ok. thanks anyway!
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