SEO description tags in Muffin builder

Does the SEO title and description field in Muffin builder actually override the defaults set in the Theme Options or are there issues with it working properly. I get very inconsistent results in that it works on some pages/posts and others it does not!  How do I get it to consistently work? Are there other settings we need to configure?  Should we instead use another SEO plugin such as Yoast?  The problem also exists when we try to share pages/posts via AddThis, the meta description is often wrong, yet it's set on the page via Muffin builder! Any suggestions to get meta descriptions to two properly when set via Muffin builder page/post SEO Description field? Thanks!  

We're running BeTheme v13.2 on WP 4.5.2.


  • Hi,

    as we can see, you need some more advanced settings and that's why we suggest you to use Yoast plugin instead of our built-in meta fields.
  • Do you have directions for using Yoast with Muffin builder?  Are there any unique configurations or tricks to get it to work properly with Muffin Builder? Can you please advise? Thanks.
  • Is your built-in SEO not able to consistently produce meta description tags? I just need the tag to appear on all pages as it appears in your SEO field? I'd rather not add another complex plugin like Yoast if all I need is basic meta descriptions.

    Additionally, it appears many people have issues getting Yoast to work with Muffin builder.  Does it hide all content added via standard WP editor? What if I have some content added via the standard wp editor and muffin builder?
  • edited May 2016
    No, we do not have any configuration files because we do not use Yoast as we simply don't need it. But lot's of our customers uses Yoast.

    If you will set description under Theme options > SEO section, this title would appear on all pages of course. In reference to 2nd question, you are talking about completely useless and totally stupid in our opinion Yoast's option which shows how many words for seo purposes you got.
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