Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • what about flyout menu for sidebar?
  • bether visual editor and shortcode adding in edior … 
  • Hi there... I love this awesome work that you guys has created. Right now we're in a Podcast Channel development and actually I'm launching a new season of Podcast Shows in our iTunes account that is connected with soundcloud but we also publish our podcast mainly in our website where we want to gather all the audience finally to know more about our show and all the stuff we need to promote and sell. We have adapted our site to the main format that is Audio and Video mostly. For the post format we have the video source using BeTheme but the native audio post format is completely missing and for us is a must for the nature of our business.

    At this moment we need to redesign our website theme and we really want to stay with betheme framework because it has all that we need for most of the tasks we do every day. But in order to reach the quality that we looking for We think that it would be better if you guys include a new design theme in your next update if is posible that goes more to Podcast or Audio and Video oriented.

    We have a great example that is a perfect scenario that we would like to have in terms of design and functions by clicking on this link... this guy is a hugely known podcaster and pretty much it has all the areas and setup that we want in our new website design.

    I hope that we could have an opportunity here to reach this goal if you can help us! Thank you!
  • Image item ALT and CAPTION should be carried over from the Wordpress media library if you pick an image from the media library within the Muffin Builder Page Options.

    So that you don´t have to set it a second time under the BeTheme Image item settings.
  • hI

    Really appreciate the effort and work gone into making the betheme. Would like to venture is making apps also for your theme in future... Look forward to it
  • Automatic update possibility in the dashboard would be great.
  • Muffing Editor need integration with WooCommerce to add block of products like Gallery in some theme, this will be helpfull.
  • Please! Update Instagram icon. Add Whatsapp icon .
  • include more social network or the possibility to introduze that manual
  • I thing to update to new era, betheme team need think in this features and corrections:

    • Reduce CSS not used loaded;
    • Use PostCSS or libSass to load Customized CSS inside CSS not inside <style> tag;
    • Add solution like Superfly to menus or UberMenu;
    • Improve options to reorganize and remove blocks for any content and part of site, like:
      • Categories;
      • Tags;
      • Author meta;
      • Mini cart;
    • Revolution Slider alternatives or something using OwlCarousel or like that because the Revolution Slider is great, but is to much big and slowly sites;
    • Map with examples and all shortcodes can be used and add this to documentation to help folks;
    • More Portfolio layouts like cards, cards extended with data (like ecommece), banners (like big banners);
    • More ecommerce layouts;
    • More blogs layouts;
    • integration by content type will be nice.
  • Please make the color options for the responsive menu more extended. At this stage I can only choose the button colour for the repsonsive menu and then have to code the "burger menu"'s font color and background color in if I want it different than the standard or sticky menu.
  • Please update the info my action bar can contain. Ad logo in search bar in stead of menu bar, ad search field in action bar instead of menu bar, add website login/Register options in action bar. Choose how to align each element, left, center, right, etc.
  • Add % for padding top and bottom for sections!
  • i use often “visual editor“ element on builder, what about optimizing this element in future?

    i wish i could load images as same as integrate and load like normal wp-editor.

  • In the BeTheme parent theme folder, under functions/builder/css/style.css, there is a line with the following:
    1. .mfn-popup #mfn-editor_ifr { height:200px !important;}

    That line is completely unnecessary and makes editing in the Visual Editor in Muffin Builder an absolute pain because the editing window cannot resize based on the content. I'd suggest that this line gets removed in future updates of BeTheme. Whenever I install BeTheme, one of my first steps is to find this line and remove it.

  • Could you PLEASE move the Action Button to the Wordpress Admin Menu area as an item, rather than in the BeTheme Options section? This would allow us to add either multiple action buttons to a menu, or create different action buttons for different menus which could be used on different pages.

    Thank you!
  • More Responsive Menu Styles would be great.

    Such as ability to have menu text below logo as opposed to right next to it.
  • i would like if a sticky header for smartphones with a mobile logo (same like for tables exists) will be released in the future. and this menu move the complete content of the page down (no overlay).

    thanks in advance tom
  • A shortcode for event calendar would be really helpful. You could also add options to customize gallery and sticky menu.
  • Ability to choose a different menu for mobile/tablet devices.
  • Carousel choose quantities to show per desktop, tablet, mobile similar to showbiz
  • Text editor within Muffin Builder so that non programmers can use the editor too.
  • Frontend live editing by using your extremely great muffin builder!
  • I think a MUST HAVE for any theme (and truthfully, most of the best themes do have this) is the ability to not only select a color for just about every option in settings but alpha level as well. Transparency should be something that can be selected in the theme without the need for custom css. I'm actually stunned this isn't part of the theme already.
  • An important feature that I found in other themes is that it come with "SERVICES" section. I'm using Be Theme and is awesome but working for a client using another theme it have this cool section. I tried installing a plugin but doesn't let me use the Muffin Builder. Sad.
  • edited August 2016
    One suggestion I can make is to add a max width button for Wraps and Items so we don't have to click plus 5 or 6 times to make it full width.

    This is simply a productivity suggestion and not neccessary, but would be nice!

    Besides that, with the latest updates, you guys have about nailed it!
  • 1. A readme file/page/annotation installation to configure correctly the demo theme loaded. (It's not truly 1 click :p)

    It could contain:
    - the tips for the mx_input_vars 10000
    - how to install the Slider Revolution demo
    - activation of the Mega Menu
    - showing the blog filter
    - ...

    2. Demo Theme up to date with the demo on the site.
  • edited August 2016
    I have a suggestion that is add more animation parallax. for example: parallax for div content.  It will make your themes more better.
  • How about when you choose how you want to open a link (same window or new window) alos give the option for a pop-up or lightbox open?
  • Visual composer that are included with betheme come with a grid editor so that you can edit the post grid the way you want. Can we add that to muffin group in some way?
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