A Blank "White Area" Appears at Mobile version.

Hello there,

www.netassifaormani.com is my website adress. i've used Safari Theme and everything works just fine but when i opened the website on mobile phones. i've tried to find anything related at theme options but couldn't find it. Can you please tell me how can i disable or hide it.

you can see the link below. this is the screenshot that i took. thank you so much for your help.


  • i've solved it with updating the theme files from FTP but now my logo doesn't look completely. 

    when i first created the site i've added this CSS

    .header-fixed #Top_bar #logo img { min-height: 100px !important; }

    should i also add a code for Mobile version? Can you please help?
    thanks you so much.
  • Hi,

    this is right top bar which can be disabled under Theme options > Header & Subheader > Extras section.
  • can i just increase the height of where my logo placed? because my logo doesnt show completely. some of it is out of area.
  • but this only should affect at mobile version. tablet and desktop versions are just looks fine.
  • To increase header's height on mobile, you need to use the following css:
    #Top_bar #logo, .header-fixed #Top_bar #logo, .header-plain #Top_bar #logo, .header-transparent #Top_bar #logo { height: 100px !important; }
  • it worked thank you so much but now when i opened menu it shows with a white background and menu can't be read. :(
  • To change background color of mobile menu, please use:
    #Top_bar #menu > ul { background: #000 !important; }
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