Space between paragraphs is small and looks bad.

As you can see the spacing between the text the H2 subtitles I have included in that post is not looking good.

Basically, the spacing between paragraphs is small, it does not scale very well, maybe because I increased the font size, even though I increased the line height to around 145% of the font size.

But this is still not looking very good. How do I solve this?


  • - this is how h2 headings looks like. So what exactly you want to change? Top and bottom padding for them? You need to know that h2 has been used already somewhere in the code and this padding would be changed for all h2 headings around site and may break some layout stuff.
  • It's a paragraph spacing issue.

    Why do I need a specific margin for a specific h tag?

    I already explained this.

    I will repeat, it's a paragraph spacing issue.
  • Ok so I kinda solved the issue by adding the following CSS:

    p { margin: 0 0 30px }

    But the problem is that after lists it looks like there is no paragraph. Why is this?
  • Maybe you explained this but it's not clear for us unfortunately because when we checked your site, everything looks as should. So it means that what you ask for is extra customization and that's why we don't know what you have in mind and how this supposed to look like exactly. However, from what we can see now, you have added margin to "p" tag so if you want to add similar padding for lists, you need to use the following css:
    #Content ul { padding-bottom: 10px !important; }
  • Well, thanks for the CSS code.

    But why don't you give me one that works for all the lists? This is strange.
  • Well, anyway thanks for the partial code. I managed to include the padding for the Ordered List as well.

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