Translate: "Filtered by Category, Tag, Author" drop down lists.

With WPML installed I haven't been able to find how to translate the titles of the labels that appear on top of the Post page, which are only available in English. ( see here what I mean).

They don't appear in String Translation and I don't know where to find them in order to translate them.



  • Hi,

    you can translate them with String Translation tool.
  • As I said, they don't appear on String Translation and I'm quite familiar with it, so I don't know where to find those strings or how to translate it.
  • Really? Because they appear for us. Please send us dashboard access privately thru contact form which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason. Please don’t forget to attach link to current topic so we know what for the access is.
  • I gave you access to my site and this is what you said by email to me:


    we found that filters are registered properly what you can see on and looks like something wrong happened to WPML plugin. You need to contact with wpml support team as it has nothing to theme just as we thought. Or the plugin files are corrupted or something has been turned off. We did checked it on our side once again and the filters are registered properly and works on 10000%.


    Best regards,
    Muffin Group team 

    However the problem had nothing to do with WPML. The strings were not registered because I had not entered the translation in Appearance - BeTheme Options - Translate - Blog and Portfolio.

    In my opinion you should not call it translate because it means translating from one language to another and when I saw that I did not enter anything because in my case I am translating the web to several languages not just to one, and you only were giving one option to translate per word. It should say something like "Reword".

    Also, considering that I gave you access to my backend, I would had expected you to be the ones noticing that the strings were not recorded because in "Translate" I had not simply entered the word again, in the same language (English) so that WPML could register it and allow me to TRANSLATE it to other languages.

    I'm saying all this so that you are aware in case someone faces the same problem again. :-)


  • Sorry but we do not understand something. Theme options > Translate section is for simple translation (replacing current words from English to own language). And yes, this is kind of translation but simple one to different language only. And yes, WPML plugin has nothing to this simple built-in translator. But if you want to translate site to several languages, then you need to use WPML plugin.

    Like we wrote above, we checked your WPML settings carefully and we found that words are registered properly for WPML. And because built-in translator has nothing to wpml, this shouldn't have any impact on the plugins. That's really weird.
  • I'm just explaining what happened so that you know for the next time someone faces the same problem, but it is not a complain because I'm both extremely happy with the theme and the technical service.

    In order for the strings to be registered by WPML you need to reenter the word in translation, even if it is exactly the same word, or otherwise those strings are not registered. This is why I could not find them in order to translate them to other languages. So there are two scenarios:
    1. Simple translation to a one-language site without WPML, or
    2. Multi-language environment, using WPML, in which case those words need to be reentered again, in English, in order to have them registered as strings.
    Anyway, keep on with the excellent work :-)
  • Ok, we understand. We will try to put valuable information there while future updates then.
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