Footer menu position

is it possible to put the copyright section below the footer menu?

And can you add social icons to the footer menu?

Would like to create something like this:


  • Hi,

    we are sorry but to make similar footer, it is necessary to modify theme files.

  • is it possible to add the social icons anywhere near the footer?
  • I think now they are there but they are white or invisible... where do I change the colour?

  • Yes, it is possible but for that you need to use Icon Bar item. But if you think that icons already exist but are invisible because of the color, please send us link to page where you got them.
  • When I used the demo content, my footer menu was horizontal below the copyright. How do I get this there again? once I removed I can't get it back. When I try the widget it makes the menu in a vertical bulleted list.

    2. When you add social media links in the Be Theme settings, where are these supposed to show up? You can see they are in my footer below the copyright as invisible links (you only know they are there because the hand shows up on hover and you can see the URL in the browser bar ... but you cannot actually see them)
  • 1. We don't understand what you mean so would be great if you could explain.

    2. Those icons should display in Action Bar (right top corner) or in the right bottom corner. It depends how you set them in the back-end. You still didn't sent us link to your site so we don't know why icons are not visible on your site.
  • Hi there,

    I have asked you on other discussions if I can send you login details because my site is not live.
    They are not showing up in either place ...

  • Hi again.

    On my footer menu, it was previously in a horizontal line underneath the copyright.

    It is now a vertical column above in the widget section as seen in the screenshot.
  • Can you explain what you want to do exactly? Because we do not see any question and not sure about it. Also, please provide us link to page where you would like to do changes.
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