Ajax Error!!! error when updating slides on Revolution Slider

Hello, after I updated wordpress and be theme to their latest versions I can't save any changes I make on my slides. I keep getting this message "Ajax Error!!! error". I tried reinstalling everything but it didn't work either. How do I fix this problem?

Thanks so much in advance!


  • Hi,

    this problem is not related with theme at all. You can switch to default theme and you see the same issue for sure. It means that you probably did something wrong with slider or something bad happened with the wordpress files. Make sure that you use recent version of revolution slider. If you don't have recent version, then please send us private message and we'll send you these files.
  • I recently updated wordpress and Be theme. I don't know if my revolution slider version is the latest one. How do I send you a private message?

    Thanks a lot!
  • Please check in right bottom corner in rev slider section what slider version you got.
  • This is my rev slider version: 

    Version 4.6.92

    I believe it's the latest one. Apparently I'm having an incompatibility issue with another plugin called Jetpack. Whenever I try to post or save anything it doesn't work, and a blank page appears instead. Also I noticed that when I deactivate it the problem I have with rev slider stops.

    Do you know if Be Theme is incompatible with Jetpack?
  • The problem must be with extra plugins or maybe server because many users use theme with Jetpack and everything is ok. We tested it as well and theme is compatible with Jetpack for sure.
  • Hello i have a problem with rev slider when i m going to make changes i get the  "Ajax Error!!! error" and when i m going to import again the slider i get


    You don't have permission to access /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
    on this server. 

    Can you please help me with this?

  • Hi @billysropo,

    we suggest to remove plugin thru FTP and upload recent plugin's version exactly the same way. However, if this won't help, please deactivate all other plugins and then check.
  • Hi, there! I've got a problem with my Slider Revolution. I can't use Russian letter in it. When I do it, I've alarm message - Ajax Error!! Error!
  • @chalkmsk Special characters are not allowed in many places and that's why you got this error.
  • Hi @muffingroup i have a problem whith revolution slider, i change any options and i see ajax error parsererror.
    i have 5.2.5 Version
  • Hi @rosmarino,

    please remove plugin files via FTP and upload the newest package via FTP as well. But, if this won't help, please remove all extra plugins and check if one of them is not the culprit.

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