Category Pages not filtering

Hi there,

I'm setting up a new blog/shop site, and I've set up several Category pages in my header menu.

When I click on these pages, the home page just refreshes and with posts from all categories and content on my homepage, like product placeholders, etc. that I don't want floating around on the category pages.

The categorized posts themselves are under all this content, well beyond the fold.

Could you help me fix this?


  • Hi,

    did you created Blog page in accordance to our guidelines on ?
  • Hi there,

    I was actually able to figure this out.

    The problem now is that the category pages are calling all categories rather than just the category they are supposed to be. So if I have a category called Articles and another called Tutorials, both category pages are calling all posts from both categories.

    How can I fix this?
  • It appears to be being caused by div.extra_content, if that helps?
  • Hi there,

    I figured this out, finally.

    I had applied some VC elements to my blog page. Removing them from that page seemed to remove the extra content from all the category pages and they are now posting the proper categories and nothing more.

    For whatever reason, my excerpts for my blog posts are now showing all the VC tags. The post themselves are fine. I've tried to remove the excerpts by setting the excerpt length to 0 in the theme options, but it shows up on the category pages regardless.

    How can I remove all the excerpts across all the posts? I really don't want to have to abandon VC as it's probably the main reason why I purchased this theme.
  • Went ahead an downloaded this plugin:

    I'm gonna be honest, this is a lot of weird, finicky, frustrating issues to have with a theme/plugin.
  • If you will send us dashboard access privately thru contact form which is on the right side at we will check what might be the reason. Please don’t forget to let us know what for this access is.
  • I'm happy with this work around, tbh. The advanced excerpt plugin gives me more control overall than the BeTheme. I'm just saying that it seems a bit odd to have to do those things with a paid theme with premium plugins.

    That said, really love the look of it! I don't use too many of the VC elements because I want my site to be easy to switch to a different theme down the road, but they're pretty awesome as well.

    If anything else pops up, I'll be sure to let you know and hand over the keys.
  • Yes, we totally agree with you but if you look on our blog or category pages, you see that there is no extra content what means this needs to be something with the settings you used. Anyway, if you will meet something similar in the future, please just let us know thru private message and we will have a look on it for sure closer.
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