Top Header/Menu bar too wide


I just updated my theme. Everything on the site is fine except for the top header/menu bar. It is now way too wide and an extra menu is showing across the top (which takes up half the screen on mobile view). Before the menu area with logo was about 1" wide.

How can I reduce the width of this space and remove the extra menu across the top?



  • Hi,

    looks like you set 2 menus: regular one which is under the logo and secondary menu. Both, can be edited/removed under Appearance > Menus section.
  • Thank you for the help on removing the extra menu.

    Now, could you help me with the width of the log at the top. Before I updated, I used the fixed header layout (my logo was about 1"); however, now my logo takes up about 3 to 4 inches on a desk top and half a screen on a mobile device.

    How can I change the size of my logo to take less room? It did not take up this space before I updated.

  • @shbowdoin Logo size can be changed under Theme options > Global > Logo > Advanced section.
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