Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • Can you add a bicycle and car icon please? :)

    You have a lorry - so bike & car would be great.
  • Ajax Shopping Cart!
  • An on/off button for the hoover effects for images, photo box, etc. with links in the Muffin Editor area. All customers don't like everyting clickable to jump around like a kangaroo ;)
  • Hello,

    A superb addition especially for one page websites is to open portfolio items ON-page (like , without loading a new page).

    Even more awesome for other contents like blog posts, products...!!!

    Another user posted a similar suggestion in the past :)

    Many thanks
  • Being able to change the width of the boxed website template (instead of full-width or the 960px) would be awesome!
  • demo service hosting  :)>-
  • Masonry for woocommerce shop, definitely!

    And custom width template :)
  • Ajax Shopping Cart!
  • Hi, Sorry for bothering you from Facebook. But I would really like if BeTheme had a Money Transfer website template like

    Hope youll not ignore my message! 
  • @marcos12lis We do not ignore any message but we also don`t have time and possibility to say if this can be added or not. In this topic we listen all your suggestions and we try to add them while futures but technically it is not possible to add them all.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • @import should not be used to import the parent stylesheet into the child theme. The correct method is to use wp_enqueue_style() to enqueue the parent stylesheet, using this code in your child theme's "functions.php". You will need to create a functions.php in your child theme's root folder (This is the only two files needed to create a child theme). Right at the start, on the first line, you should add an opening php tag. All other code will follow after this opening php tag


    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_child_theme_styles', PHP_INT_MAX);
    function enqueue_child_theme_styles() {
    wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri().'/style.css' );
    wp_enqueue_style( 'child-style', get_stylesheet_uri(), array('parent-style') );
  • Could you make the child stylesheet be loaded after the main BeTheme stylesheets, otherwise I need to code most of my child styles !important in order to overule the main styles.
  • It would be nice, if your're able to upload more images into one Slide (Menu --> Slides).
    So you can create diifferent slides like a gallery and use it via the shortcode.
    This is much easier than using one photo for one slide, because if you have a lot of photos is can be confusing...

  • can you include no. of column selection option for the shop grid...
  • I agree with possummultimedia!
    I just purchased this awesome theme and I found incredible that there isn't a column selection option for shop pages.
  • Mailchimp subscribe widget / shortcode.
  • Option to change the Magnifying Glass and Link icon upon hover. And add new styles of buttons.
  • Hello. Can you please add a "product zoom gallery" which makes zoom when mouseover? Please look this site, it's what I mean:
  • How about more client layouts and options? To specify work you've done for cleint for example.
  • edited November 2014
    Cache option or more faster
  • @itasarim W3 Total Cache is compatible with our theme. We also use this plugin and all works great.
  • Please, add ajax header woocommerce cart
  • Please improve the code for the responsive option & and responsive options to every item inside the a section.

    i created 2 sections: 

    one for all devices except mobile
    2'nd one for mobile only

    ( both are on the same page )

    Listing the source code of the page both sections are displayed
    This will slow down the performance of the website.


  • these things are definitely needed...i hope everyone else will agree too

    1. no. of column selection for products well as related prod the least product column is required
    2. featured products slider ( only basic products slider is available now)
    3. on-sale products slider ( only basic products slider is available now)

    woocommerce details need much attention...right now only basic attention is there
  • Hey guys,

    Loving the theme!

    My suggestion/wish is for you guys to give us the ability to add more than 2 Custom Fonts in the BeTheme Options > Font Family section. People who upload custom fonts need to upload the different weights and italics of that font family too.

    Please please please add this to your next update! :D

  • Please add Be Festival and Be musician 
  • an option for deactivate the entrance animation of blog , portfolio etc would be nice :)
  • Please add Wordpress logo to icon set.
  • Your theme is getting better and better and I love the fact that you have created your own Page Builder. I will soon test it thoroughly but for now here are my feature suggestions.

    A) I will begin with the first element that makes a page stand out, the Header.

    Please consider the option to add a header with the Logo in the middle and a split menu on the left and right of the logo.

    For example, look at this theme:

    There are several ways to do this (i.e. there are detailed instructions for doing it with the Genesis Framework) but not easy for end users since it involves PHP, HTML and possibly JS.

    There is also a plugin I found for splitting the menu but have not tested yet

    In any case and given the already great flexibility offered in your header options, adding this would make your header options the most complete out of any theme on themeforest.

    To take it even further the possibility of using the Muffin Builder on the header to create our own layout would also be awesome although not that easy I guess.

    B) Allow the option of using a 1170 Grid or fully customizable site width since screen resolutions are skyrocketing soon and 960px will soon be average even for phones.

    C) I will second Brentos suggestion regarding fonts and will also add that more font options such us font subsets selection, line-height, letter spacing and per heading / body settings.

    D) Allow customization of the Footer Section (columns, widgets, content). For business or corporate sites right now its use is limited and one hast to add a section above it on every page if more content is required. (Unless I am missing something that is).

    E) Full automatic updates without the envato toolkit (it is perfectly working for other Themes) whenever you can but I would not put this on the top of my list.

    All those features exist in other themes but no single theme includes them all. (Also take a look at the Redux Framework regarding adding more theme options although I am sure you are aware of them)

    After spending weeks browsing and checking thousands of themes on Themeforest and other markets I have managed to find TWO (yes only two) themes satisfying my criteria for use in my future projects and one them is BE. The main reason is your back end and the fact that you have your own page builder while BE is the only one that allows the use of both VC and your own builder simultaneously at the same page. In the future I will add my input regarding the Muffin Builder which at first glance looks great to me but there is a lot of room for improvement flexibility wise.

    These are my initial suggestions and I hope you find them useful.

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