does not show Option BeTheme

Good morning
I have a problem with options betheme - doesn't show it
I do not know exactly when it happened, i was updating BeTheme to v 15 with one previous.

later I worked on the side and i walked in the options BeTheme
They do not show up, the left menu option does not work.

But there is another strange action:
when I click on the button "save options", everything appears back, but all settings will be reset (menu colors, fonts), only the attached photos for example, the logo is not removed

to return to the settings options have to re-install the demo template, who i use on my site, and delete widgets, menus, pages, posts and categories
reinstalling the theme BeTheme, I unpacked it and put back on the FTP. but it did not work. i haven't previous version BeTheme to test.
can you help me?


  • Hi,

    there is 3 possible reasons why Muffin Options might be empty on load (blank):

    - PHP version - Wordpress, since version 4.5, requires minimum PHP 5.6. So if your version is older than 5.6, you need to contact with your admin/hosting provider because it need to be updated.
    - Memory Limit - the more plugins you have enabled, the more resources your WordPress instance will consume. So if this is happening, you need to contact with your admin/hosting provider to increase this limit.
    - Suhosin extension - if it’s installed on your server, it could bring the issues as well because the limits for Suhosin are usually different from the general one.

    If you don’t know what your limit/PHP version is, you can check both under Appearance > System Status section.

  • edited October 2016
    I had a version 5.3.29


    I added to .htaccess

    <FilesMatch "\ .php $">
    AddHandler x-httpd-php php56
    </ FilesMatch>

    website is not visible (white page)
    Now the admin panel looks like this:

  • Please remove all changes you did and update PHP version because your current one is definitely too old and incompatible with Wordpress itself.

  • It did not work anything like I set up PHP 5.6 .htacces

    in my web hosting, version PHP i need to set the panel DirectAdmin
    Now everything is ok and i do not need to reinstall the page

    thx for help.
  • Thanks for the info. Glad to know that you sorted it.
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