portrait and landscape behavior of revolution slider


i love your theme a lot.

Is there any way to realize the following appearing with revolution slider options or/and muffin builder section's "hide"-options or by adding css:

Target: Two sliders on the same position with same content, only with different photo formats (portrait and landscape) depending on device and portrait/landscape modus.

First slider with landscape photo format (for ex 1920x1280px) should appear at
tablet landscape
mobile landscape

Second slider with portrait photo format (for ex. 768x1024 or 768x1136px) should appear at
tablet portrait
mobile portrait


  • Hi,

    we are sorry but we do not have any suggestion to do above unfortunately.

  • Maybe it's a good idea for the future to help your customers to handle this portrait/landscape problem?

    I saw several question here that go in a similiar direction: How to
    handle landscape and portrait in a
    different appearing over all responsive devices.

    For example: You like to show persons or faces and a slogan next to this person or next to this face in a slider or in a photo. In desktop view it looks nice to have this in a a landscape photo/slider. Its no problem to have a big face and a big slogan next to each other. Its even possible to have this on full screen. It looks great.

    In mobile landscape view this looks also nice.

    But in mobile portrait (what most people use) it's nearly impossible to have slogan and face (or person) next to each other in a big size or full screen with the same landscape photo or slider as basis.

    There's only one solution: to create a new portrait slider or a new portrait photo (slogan and face one above the other). But then there is the problem that you can't place it only in portrait view for mobile (and tablet) in Muffin builder, because the "hide"-option in the section setting doesn't help for this portrait/landscape problem.

    And if you would nevertheless place the portrait photo/slider with the "hide on mobile" option then you would have the vice versa problem: Landscape mobile view would look terrible then.

    Maybe with @media portrait and landscape codes in custom css it would be possible to solve this and to put this code in Muffin builders section. But i am afraid, that would be too complicated for me..
  • Thanks for your suggestion. However, as you said above, it is not as easy as just using some @media rules. Of course if you will send us link to page where you got this issue and also you will show us on screenshot how exactly you want to do this, we will see if there is anything we can do to help but we are afraid that it couldn't be achieved with just custom css and @media rules.
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