Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • Consider optimizing the theme for the best speed/page speed results and user experience. Consider combining the CSS java script files. Compressing them and moving them to load at the bottom of the page.
  • improve on ipad and android which is no mouse but touch screen on the builder

    it is not easy to use page builder(green one) on touch screen device, if fix it, any one can use ipad for work, and you will be no. 1 in the world(SMILE)

  • Ability to disable Sliding Top on Mobile devices. As when set right corner it blocks mobile menu on phones.
  • Ability to change the font size/weight  of : Footer Menu  Social Menu Bottom in BeTheme Options.
  • Hey :)

    - you can add to the post - credits - it will be very helpful for the journalist, when they are using not them pictures.
    - post count - how many people saw post, inside the post
    - custom colors for active bar like a custom link, custom bar color, the same with sliding top
    - custom colors for headers - like you can add your own custom colors to each headers
    - maybe some events calendar

    Thanks :)
    1. Add Custom Post Type support to Loop options (like blog)
    2. Add a Blog Timeline layout that alternates the posts like the standard Timeline module (timeline centered)
    3. Add a Client Slider layout with the styling of the Client Loop - 'Tiles' option (underline and arrow for hover)
    4. Provide separate controls for turning Blog Meta items on/off (show/hide author/tags/categories/date)
    5. Ability to save a page as a Builder Template rather than having to build the Template first - or an option to import a page as a Template perhaps

  • edited December 2016
    I loved that you guys added side slide option. But for some reason with RTL it doesn't show the side slide properly. Also if possible add the option for side slide from left as well.
  • edited December 2016
    I don't have the time for reading all the suggestions, but I think it would be great if we had the possibility to select an author in a blog or portfolio shortcode (and block options) apart from category, the result would be something like that : 

    [portfolio count="9" style="masonry" columns="3" category="" category_multi="" orderby="ID" order="ASC" exclude_id="" related="0" filters="0" pagination="0" load_more="1" greyscale="0" author="olivieno"]

    I wrote "apart from category" because I know it's possible to select a portfolio via the category selector but it is'nt nice to see the first name or the login in the portfolio filter, between "Print" and "Webdesign". That would be awesome! 

    Thanks for considering it!

  • It would be really great to stop minor update or new website template for a month and focus on making a better and more explained DOC and ressource files...

    The Documentation is realyy low... and each time you add features there is no example and no documentation update... Such a waste of energie to add content and no place to see them or having the right explanation...

    Great theme but such a lack of explanation and documentation for non-master dev....
  • Kindly Add Uber Menu or make it Compatible.
  • I would love a job board template. One that would work similar to the Thumbtack or Angielist website. That would be a great addition. Especially if it has woocomerce included where subscribers can pay first and then list their job
  • I have been able to do my idea via css but it would be a real time saver if we could have 3 additional header options to choose from that have a full width navigation bar with a background color. Linked is a visual that may explain my idea better than my words :)

    Also, when I do it via css, sometimes the menu bar in the betheme options gets all wonky because I think I am setting the .column class to be width:100%.
  • consider adding infinite scroll for blog pages
  • Adjustable width of a drop-down menu (sub-menu)
  • Maybe try adding updated Training Videos and proper documentation. Stuff is so old on the Youtube site!

    Maybe take a play from the playbook from Themify, Visual Composer or Elementor. So many other Theme providers give much better documentation and video "How-To" Videos.
  • Please create new Newspaper blog style theme with dual sidebars. Also update hotel theme
  • Classic or Modern Menu Semitransparent.
  • When in Muffin Builder, have a small thumbnail when using an image instead of having to click to edit to see image.

    Color selector for all type/text
  • Ajax portfolio like

    Would be great and take the theme to next level.
  • I would like suggest you add posibility expand or collapse wraps on the web site by click.
    I created some color wraps - and it would be great if web user could be click on some colour wrap (cut) and expand it (uncut) like its realise on forums in themes with “spoilers” ))) 

    Thank you
  • Hey again! :)

    Thanks for added my advice to the last update with active bar colors :)

    More ideas:
    - you can add to the post - header options or custom css - if you will be using fullscreen mode with transparent header will be nice (if you don't wanna use transparent header in every post)
    - post with autoloader option - that you can scroll all post and read
    - more post layouts
    - horizontal timeline for post with dates like a slider
    - more features for Buddypress
    - CSS for Knowledge Base Plugin if someone needs to create his own knowledge base

    Thanks :)
  • edited January 2017
    Add print.css stylesheet for pages to make it printer friendly for my website Bradford Web Design and Hosting Services
  • edited January 2017
    Also address option next to phone and email in action bar for my site.
  • edited January 2017
    A couple of suggestions:

    • Add support for PHP Year in copyright area so you can use <?php echo date("Y"); ?>  to generate the year automatically.
    • Image shortcode for visual composer (hover with link and magnify glass)
    • Option to disable sliding top on mobile devices. If set to right side it blocks out the menu button on mobile devices.
    • Call to action font size & colour options
    • More widgets, Contact box, Social icons etc
    • Print CSS would be good for pages
    • More shop page layouts
    • Fix WooCommerce added to cart icon showing default tick icon and theme icon on top
    • Support for second contact number (mobile) on map contact box Visual composer and normal
    • Header that works with square logo layouts - new header style needs to be slim but supports it.

  • edited January 2017
    Muffin Builder -> Image Element
    Right now it is necessary to create both small and large version for images being placed as images displayed in img tag and different ones optimized for lightbox (large version). By default WordPress generates different thumbnails for each Media image so we could use it. There should be an option to load original, large, medium or small image for default image and/or lightbox.
    Such functionality is implemented for example in Avada (if you'd like to take a peak and see how it works) - whenever user is adding image with image builder element he has the ability to choose original or one of WordPress generated thumbnails.
  • Theme grid and nested columns earlier breakup
    Default theme grid works fine in most cases but creating such layouts:

    Wrapper -> 1/2 + 1/2 --> (1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4) + (1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4)

    Makes them virtually unreadable and useless (oversetting or weird text behavior) in resolitions as high as 1024 px.

    It would be helpful to have the ability to define grid breakup point for nested columns, so that base grid (Wrapper -> Columns) should remain as it is but nested columns would break-up sooner.
  • Hi,

    I think the latest version (16.4) got some issues with retina @2x detection. as I've experienced issues on multiple websites and platforms since the update.

    I've now downgraded and no issues.

    Thanks :)
  • Hi,

    Add more social network in the shortcode Our Team, now you can only use (Twitter,Facebook,Linkedin and Vcard) in my case i need use instagram and i can´t do it :(

  • And Instagram-widget for posting the last f.ex. 6 or 9 pictures.
  • Make beTheme much more better according to Google PageSpeed Insights.
    Results show a lot of problems concering the "above the fold" seen Java and CSS rendering -> blocking!
    Please improve there as this would result in a big benefit for all beTheme users.
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