You don't have permission to access /wp-admin/post.php on this server
I build pages within Muffin Builder and did not have any problems.
But, when I started to create pages with more text, then the problems begun...
When pressing the button: "update", I have a white screen with the text:"Forbidden: You don't have permission to access /wp-admin/post.php on this server".
I googled it and tried the following:
1. Deactivated all plugins that are not coming from the theme.
2. Gave permission 777 to posp.php and its roots folder.
3. Added the following code to .htaccess
<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off
So far, I still have the problem. It seems to happen when I use too many items or column items with lists or characters such as "/" or ":"
Please help.
maybe you should increase max_input_vars variable on server's side? This is the common reason why longer pages with more things can't be saved.
It was a server side permission issue (security setting) that I could have never resolved my self.
If you google it you will see it is quite popular as an issue but none of the instructions helped me but the server administrator.
Hope this helps to steer you in the right direction.
I might have been lucky and talked to the right person at the right time, hehe.
My hosting provider has the max_input_vars set at 5,000 by default for wordpress anyway so this was out of the way too and have created quite complex forms and menus on that installation with no problem (they need higher vars settings).
If I get any feedback from the provider I will let you know by updating this thread. I will mail them.