Jump links

Hi there! I set up some anchor links that scroll to the right sections on new pages, however there's no space between the top of the heading where the anchor is and the sticky menu bar - the menu bar is covering up the space.  How do I set it up so the space appears below the menu bar?
The links are the 'Read More' ones in the Benefits section of the homepage: sbvillage-dev.com


  • Hi,

    when we open http://sbvillage-dev.com/benefits/#rides for example, we get the following look http://pasteboard.co/62BywPY5A.png so we do not understand what spacing you mean exactly.
  • Thanks for taking a look. I get a similar result to your screenshot, but then a second later it scrolls up to the top of the subheading - in this case 'No Cost Rides' (so the top of the subheading is touching the bottom of the green menu bar). Ideally I'd like it to scroll to where the background color changes above the  subheading (it alternates between the sections on this page) and for it to stay there until the user scrolls.
  • But we do not have any option to define where to stop scroll. This has been defined in theme files and couldn't be changed. Also, we do not get anything as you do (second later it scrolls up to the top of the subheading) so we really don't know what you mean. Do you get it in a specific browser or system?
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