Theme couldn't be uploaded


I bought your theme yesterday. I work only with the WordPress Backend (not an separate FTP). When I upload the theme (just the file, without the other folders inside) I always get en error called  "are you sure you want to do this" when I click try again, same issue.

I read your forum here and increased the capacity of WordPress to 96M - it's still not working. I bought this theme already for my friend and helped her with the page, there it was all fine, just this time it's not working.

What else can I do? I uploaded also the child theme, this one worked fine (it's not visible cause I need the parent theme first).

I deleted also the child theme and tried to install the parent theme again, but it's still not working.



  • Hi,

    this message says that you can not install theme thru the WP default importer because of the limits on server side. It’s probably because of upload_max_filesize. There is few ways to install your theme then:

    - You need to contact with your admin and ask him to increase those limits for you so you can install theme via default importer
    - You can install file instead which is much lighter because does not contain plugins
    - You can unzip default file and upload betheme folder with all theme files via FTP into /wp-content/ folder.

    Thanks for choosing Be!
  • Hi

    I uploaded the didnt works as well. But with the betheme-old-no-plugins-16-1 it worked. Do I need to update the theme than?

  • Your server must be very limited then if you are unable to load file which is only 13MB size. And if you wish to upload files thru WP dashboard, you should contact with your admin because those limits need to be definitely increased.
  • Well thats strange - my admin gave me the feedback that I have 96MB, so should be good. Anyway, it's working with this old no plugin zip. :) thanks
  • You probably gave you the value of memory limit which has nothing to do with the files upload. Please go to theme folder, create php file with phpinfo() function inside and send us link to that file so we can have a look on your server settings. For more details about creating file, please visit
  • you're right. It's the memory limit. But they said, that they changed the php uploading size to 96M as well 
  • They probably didn't told you the truth last time.
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