No idea about hyperlink in my footer and section at homepage

I realize my footer and bottom section has a hyperlink. But i did not set any hyperlink. Also, i could not find any place to cancel the link.



  • Hi,

    Please open your website in Firefox html mode (CTRL+U) and check html errors you got. Please fix them first and all should be fine.

    P.S. Anticipating your question, yes, those errors are not associated with theme and were made by you or one of your extra plugins.

  • Hi,
    Thanks for the reply.

    But, i do not know how to fix the html error. Yes, i see the href link there. But, there is no place to cancel any link in muffin builder. 

    I also do not have any additional plugin installed except one newly installed table plugin. I am sure it does not give that problem.

    What is more weird is that only my homepage footer points to my service page but not other page footers.

    This is exist only on my homepage. The last section and homepage footer points to my service page.

    Hope we can fix it.

    Thanks in advance
  • We are sorry but we also don't know why is that because we we are not web developer and we didn't built this site. You or your developer probably used html tags without knowledge and that's why you have bugs in the code right now.
  • Hello,
    I recreated similar page step by step and found what causes the issue. One of the hyperlink affected all the below elements. After i remove it it became okay. the hyperlink was in the column element.

    If  anyone see similar issue in the forum can try this solution.
  • But could you explain what is wrong with this link? For us, it looks good and we didn't noticed anything wrong.
  • That is interesting.
    This link has effected all below blocks in my case. When i delete the link my footer and other places became normal.
  • That's very weird. Maybe you should to try use same link on other page with some content below the link to make sure if this happens on this page only or on any other.
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