WordPress function wp_remote_get() test failed.


I am having an issue when I'm trying to select the BeTheme Demo Data.  I can not select a pre-designed theme because the wp_remote_get failed. I have contacted my hosting provider and they are asking for which configuration settings need to be adjusted to allow the remote access to work.  

Thanks in advance for your help!


  • Hi,

    please go to Appearance > System Status section and check if you get any special information. It should be displayed next to the information about the wp_remote_get function.
  • edited January 2017
    Looks like there two items in red in the System Status. What would you recommend for the next steps?

    Remote Get: XWordPress function wp_remote_get() test failed.  Contact your hosting provider.  Error: A valid URL was not provided.

    PHP MAx Input Vars: 1000 - Max input vars limitation will truncate POST data such as menus.
  • The next step is to contact with your admin or hosting provider.

    In reference to 1st question, this function is checking file in importer catalogue:

    $response = wp_remote_get( LIBS_URI . '/importer/demo/menu.txt' );

    So or you do not have this file on your server or you don't have an access to this file thru wp_remote_get and this need to be checked by your hosting provider or admin. Complete path to this file is wp-content/themes/betheme/functions/importer/demo/menu.txt

    But in reference to 2nd, max_input_vars is limited and should be increased to minimum 5000.
  • Hi,

    I do have wp-content/themes/betheme/functions/importer/demo/menu.txt file and it has following permissions (at least read access for everyone). Do you see any issue with permissions of the file?

    -rw-r--r-- 1 Unknown+User Unknown+Group    112 Jan 11 18:41 menu.txt
  • We are not admins so we don't know what permissions you have or don't so we can not answer on this question. We can be responsible for our code only and so we explained above what this error means exactly and where the problem might be. You can send us private request with dashboard access thru contact form on the right at https://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact but this probably won't change to much.
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