Menu above Revolution Slider on Muffin Builder

Guys, I have a BIG problem and I think you can help me

I'm doing a site in Muffin Builder, where you have 2 sessions BEFORE Revolution Slider (Top Menu Bar and Logo).

After Slider I want to bring up the STICKY MENU.

When I select the Slider Revolution in page options, Sticky Menu appears OK.

But when I put the Revolution Slider like a session in Muffin Builder, Sticky Menu does not recognize him and ends up on top.

I have to create an ID, change the PHP code or CSS, to make the Sticky Menu Revolution Slider recognize that I put in Muffin Builder?

The site is


  • Hi,

    would be great if you can show us on the screenshot what exactly you want to achieve as we do not understand what you are trying to do.

  • Hi!

    Here the print screen with comments

  • Ok. So if you want to display Top Bar under slider, you need to set slider under Page Options section where Slider Revolution drop-down field is and then select Menu Below Slider type under Header & Subheader > Header section.
  • That is the problem. Looks like is:

    The topbar (black) and Logo bar (red) are sessions Muffin Builder.

    The slider Page Options is before the sessions.

    How do I resolve this?
  • We are sorry but really have no idea what you want to do. This is what we thought you would like to do. What "sessions"? What you mean? Please notice that this is the only way to get the menu below slider and this just can not be done other way.
  • Ok... 

    Let me try to explain in another way ...

    How do I get anything BEFORE Revolution Slider + Below Slider Header Menu?

    The Action Bar also appears AFTER the Slider :(
  • We are sorry but you can't do anything like this without files customization unfortunately.
  • You can help me with the files customizations?
  • Sorry but in reference to Item Support Policy, files customization are not included.
  • I got it using the "mfn_hook_top"
  • Hi Juane, I'm having a similar issue with my site. Would you share with me the solution you found using mfn_hook_top? Thanks a lot!
  • I am also having simmilar issue with the menu position. Your suggestion to choose the slider from page options and then to choose the menu style from general theme settings works perfectly. However, this is not an option for me since I have to setup alterantive sliders for desktop and mobile and the only way I managed to do so was by using muffin builder and creating two separate sliders. (I tried using options for mobile/desktop visibility in revolution slider but it had no effect so I reverted customizing thorugh the builder.) 

    Once I setup two different sliders in muffin builder, the selection of menu style in general settings has no effect - it does not move the menu below the slider. 

    This brings me to my question, is it possible to get the menu below the slider block, having in mind that chosing the slider from drop-down menu in page options does not work for me, since I have to have 2 separate sliders? 

    Thank you!

  • @i__k Sorry but we do not have any workaround to make it possible unfortunately.
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