Strange Issue Regarding JavaScript

So I've run into this issue intermittently and I have no idea if I'm alone in this. But for some reason when using Google Chrome as a browser, on pages where JavaScript being called, the API or plugin requiring that script (in this case, basic Google Maps API as required by the theme itself as well as on one page, a plugin called Master Slider) isn't displaying... but stranger than that, neither is the main site nav along the top of the browser. No logo, no nav links... nothing. But, when I navigate away to a page that doesn't require it, the header is back. I checked Dev Tools and couldn't seem to identify any issues so I'm at a loss here. I'm not a dev guy by trade but I haven't made any major changes or anything of the sort.

The Google Maps calls and that basic slider plugin were displaying fine and now... nothing. Any thoughts? I need to sort this out ASAP. It's pretty urgent. Thanks.


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