How to make it compulsory to like your Facebook page and subscribe to your YouTube channel?

My business is having an offer and to qualify we want to make it compulsory for our clients to like our Facebook page and subscribe to our YouTube channel before pressing continue (and being directed to the offer page).
So in this first page I want to have some information on the offer and 3 buttons/areas:
1- Facebook like
2- YouTube subscription
3- A continue/next/get the offer button

I need this 3rd button to only became available once the client has successfully liked the page and subscribed. How can I do that?


  • Hi,

    please send us an example of what you mean because we do not understand how exactly you want to do this.

  • Hello, 
    I don't know if this is possible, but the idea is:

    50% off in all language classes. To get the voucher code like our Facebook page and Subscribe to our channel below before pressing continue.

    Like button

    Subscribe button



    So the continue button would be unclickable until the client presses the like and subscribe buttons. 

    I'm assuming the client would be signed into their Facebook and YouTube in order for this to work. If there is a way, it would be ideal for when the like button is clicked, the liking of our page to happen automatic. That would also be one of the requirement for the Continue button to became available - the second being applied in the same way when the subscribe button is used.

    This might have to be simplified though: just have simple buttons that are do not make the liking automatic, but instead takes the client to our Facebook page on different tab. This would of course means we can't be sure they actually liked our page, but it would apply as one of the requirements for the continue button to became available.
    This option would be less attractive to us since we want to make sure we get these likes and subscriptions.

    Hope this explanation helps and sorry about the wacky idea!
    Thanks :)
  • Thanks for the complete explanation but we do not have any workaround to make it possible. What you ask for, definitely requires files customization and if you want to customize theme that way, you need to contact with your web developer who would be later responsible for all these customization.
  • Sure
    Thank you 
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