Split banner Header Magazine into 2 columns

Would really appreciate if you could help explain how to split the Banner area into 2 columns, is this possible with a bit of CSS?


  • How exactly you want to split it? Please send us link to page where you got these banners and also please send a screenshot with necessary changes so we can understand, what you mean.
  • First I wanted to increase the size of the banner, which worked using this in custom CSS

    .header-magazine #Top_bar .banner_wrapper {
        width: 100%;
        max-width: 600px;

    But then I wanted to split that area into 2 columns, 1, 70%, 1, 30%

    I emailed the link through the contact form on your themeforest page.

  • Ok, we got it. So to make it the way you described above, you need to use the following css:
    .header-magazine #Top_bar .banner_wrapper #content-wrap {
        float: right;
        width: 30% !important;
  • Hello....I tried that code, and it wrapped the text around, which I wanted it separate, Also wanted to make that area bigger, so here is my CSS now, and it almost works but for some reason it is putting part of the phone number where it shouldn't be, and it works the same with or without !important in there

    .header-magazine #Top_bar .banner_wrapper {
        width: 100%;
        max-width: 600px;

    .header-magazine #Top_bar .banner_wrapper #sidebar {
        float: left;
        width: 70%;

    .header-magazine #Top_bar .banner_wrapper #content-wrap {
        float: right;
        width: 30%;

    I updated on live site (shouldn't be public, so that is why I'm not posting) with the above CSS, which I previously emailed, please let me know if you still have that, or if you need me to email again.
  • well it appears that using term sidebar for one of the divs was not a good idea, changed that and now it seems ok, but not responsive, is there a way to keep it responsive so the text doesn't overlap the logo on resize?  Here is current mostly working code.

    .header-magazine #Top_bar .banner_wrapper {
        width: 100%;
        max-width: 600px;

    .header-magazine #Top_bar .banner_wrapper #sidebarz {
        float: left;
        width: 70%;

    .header-magazine #Top_bar .banner_wrapper #content-wrap {
        float: right;
        width: 30%;

    Then of course referencing the DIVs in Banner code area, in case this helps anyone.

  • well here we go, I'm learning things, now banner not overlaping logo, and banner split into 2 nice columns. 

    .header-stack #Top_bar .logo {
     width: 50%;

    .header-magazine #Top_bar .banner_wrapper {
        width: 50%;
        max-width: 600px;

    .header-magazine #Top_bar .banner_wrapper #sidebarz {
        float: left;
        width: 70%;
       text-align: center;

    .header-magazine #Top_bar .banner_wrapper #content-wrap {
        float: right;
        width: 30%;

  • Please send us a link to your page.
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