Having more than one visual editor or accordian on page breaks page (404 error)

Get this error: 

Ooops... Error 404
We are sorry, but the page you are looking for does not exist.

Please check entered address and try again or go to homepage

any time that I duplicate or try to manually create more than one visual editor or accordion section on a page. I can't even get the page to save. Please help! I can duplicate and save, but it won't let me edit the content at all. If I do, I go to a page not found error. Same with accordion. This is REALLY frustrating.

Here is a page where I need to change the bottom content, but can't, and update the accordian in the middle: https://liquiddigitalsolutions.com/our-story/


  • edited March 2017
    Same issue happening here..https://liquiddigitalsolutions.com/our-story2/. when I tried to create a new page from scratch. It won't let me edit the page.
  • Hi,
    This is more server related than the theme itself. Please make sure that your PHP version is at least 5.6 and fields like max_input_vars and memory_limit are set high enough. You may be forced to contact your hosting provider in order to fix that.

    To see the setting on your server please go to theme folder, create php file with phpinfo() function inside and send us link to that file so we can have a look on your server settings. The problem is probably related with those limits but to be sure which one is the reason, we need that link. For more details about file creation, please visit https://mediatemple.net/community/products/dv/204643880/how-can-i-create-a-phpinfo.php-page
  • Yes they all are adjusted I did that as soon as I installed the theme but I can check again and let you know thanks!
  • Ok I did that and I am still getting the error. Any other ideas?
  • edited March 2017
    file has following settings, which I verified work as per file limits checker in RevSlider so I know that it took properly. Made sure to kill PHP processes after upload and try again and still getting the same error why I try to edit the pages at all. 

    upload_max_filesize = 5000M

    post_max_size = 5000M

    memory_limit = 5000M

    file_uploads = On

    max_execution_time = 360

    max_input_vars = 10000

    Whenever I try to edit any page and save, especially the page in question as listed above, it goes here: https://liquiddigitalsolutions.com/wp-admin/post.php and gives me the page not found error.
  • edited March 2017
    I also changed on the PHP settings to all the max as well (the above was in .user.ini file) so between both areas I should be covered but I can't save any pages. Any ideas?

    those settings are now all:

    allow_url_fopen On
    display_errors Off
    error_reporting E_ALL
    file_uploads On
    include_path .:/opt/alt/php56/usr/share/pear:/opt/alt/php56/usr/share/php
    log_errors On
    mail.force_extra_parameters no value
    max_execution_time 360
    max_input_time -1
    memory_limit 512M
    open_basedir no value
    post_max_size 128M
    session.save_path /tmp
    short_open_tag On
    upload_max_filesize 1G
  • edited March 2017
    This seems to have something to do with the muffin builder in the theme, especially if the video is in the visual editor section. Also I seem to have lost all revision history on any new pages since this error started happening - so somehow the site isn't recognizing the page URL and saving revisions properly which is returning the page not found error when it tries to save as well. Been also troubleshooting with GoDaddy, but we can't seem to find where this would be on the server side since it only happens after I make a page live, and add a video. From there it will save, but then I can't edit it in the future - keeps saying page not found and once I get the error it doesn't matter what changes I try to make, I can't save at all.

    Admin login to site available via PM if needed. 

  • edited March 2017
    Finished with GoDaddy and verified that the post.php call is all there and the redirects are all working and for some reason editing something in visual editor and possibly accordion and/or with video is causing issues with the permalink. 

    I can build a new page from scratch but at some point in the editing, I get stuck and it no longer allows me to edit at all and I get the 404 error.

    http://liquiddigitalsolutions.com/our-story-broken/ (changed page name so I can try to build out this page and get this damn site live already)

    Sent PM with site login info for admin so you can see.

  • edited March 2017
    So you have send a private messeage with login details and explanation?
    We asked you for phpinfo please send it
  • edited March 2017
    php info is above, repeatedly, and again below. 

    PM includes login info and link to this thread and was sent YESTERDAY.

    explanation of everything we have done during troubleshooting is RIGHT HERE in this thread. PLEASE READ thoroughly. Not sure how many times/ways to say this.
  • edited March 2017
    upload_max_filesize = 5000M

    post_max_size = 5000M

    memory_limit = 5000M

    file_uploads = On

    max_execution_time = 360

    max_input_vars = 10000
    Explanation is above, and here's PHP Info again, and login details were in PM I am not sure what else you need. This is getting frustrating as I have been unable to edit my pages for 3 days now.
  • edited March 2017
    ftp://[email protected]/public_html/liquiddigitalsolutions/.user.ini

    I copied and pasted file contents multiple times in this thread, this has been a serious issue, and I have spent a LOT of time building and rebuilding these pages to have them not work. It's beyond frustrating. I also spent over 3h with GoDaddy yesterday (who shockingly has been far more helpful than you guys unfortunately) but no matter what we did we found it was an element with the page with muffin builder that was causing the issue.

    This has been going on for 3 days, I can't build, edit, or adjust pages at all, and I get nothing more than a one line answer from you guys once a day if I am lucky. To say I am frustrated is an understatement. Not being able to edit pages is a HUGE issue, and we've already verified that the PHP file settings work just fine, and that the post.php call info is correct, yet once I start to build a new page with multiple elements (or edit an existing one) I get a page not found error and it doesn't work any more and I am dead in the water with editing work and my site is, again BROKEN.

    If you could PLEASE answer TODAY and help with an actual resolution, that would be great. If you need FTP credentials as well as the admin login credentials I already sent you, please let me know ASAP. 

    Thank you for your time and attention.
  • We asked you for a link to phpinfo file, this is a simple request and it would make it much easier to fix your problem. Do not tell us this is taking too long when you are not cooperating.
    Also, try to disable all plugins and cache, then try it again.
  • Already tried to disable all plugins, and tried again, cleared cache and tried again, did that for over 3h on the phone w GoDaddy. 

    Link to PHP file is above and you have both FTP and site admin access that was sent via PM. I am not sure how, exactly, I am not cooperating when I have sent you everything requested, and explained everything we've done, and we can't seem to get this to work and I have a broken site I can't edit.

    Please help!

  • filepath:

    that's what I get when i go into file manager on cpanel. again - not sure what else you need, and like i said, i troubleshooted this for several hours with GoDaddy. i've tried to give you all the info I have, and I have also been able to verify that the system settings worked fine through other tools/checks (such as the check they do in RevSlider).

    i tried naming the file php5.ini and php.ini but it did not work. i tried editing wp-config and it did not work. i tried editing .htaccess and it did not work. however naming the file .user.ini as suggested on another forum for the newer versions of cpanel shared hosting (which i have) did seem to work. everything else passes the memory checks, and i increased php memory settings through the cpanel user interface (screen shot of that above as well), and everything works except I am unable to edit my site pages still.

    i did clear / kill all php processes and restart at server level before testing, between and after each listed above change, to make sure that I had the information correct as well. i am really at a loss what to do. Please help so that I can edit my site! Thank you.
  • If you have send a private messeage this discussion makes no sense, please maintain the mail chat.
  • http://www.liquiddigitalservices.com/phpinfo.php

    It shows that max_input_vars is correctly set, yet I am still having the issue. I will keep troubleshooting myself.
  • I see you are in there helping / working on this - THANK YOU.

    Again (in case anyone on your staff didn't see the URL via PM):
    liquiddigitalservices.com is just the url for the cpanel and not a live site. yes they are all on the same hosting.

    liquiddigitalservices.com is not a live site, just the main cpanel URL so the other sites are sub folders
    added a copy of phpinfo to here as well: http://www.liquiddigitalservices.com/phpinfo.php as well as another copy here: http://www.liquiddigitalservices.com/phpinfo.php

    so we should be covered now (hopefully).
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