'Load more' not working correctly


My blog is here. When I click 'Load more' at the bottom, instead of loading more blog entries the page is duplicating the entries shown to me. What could be going wrong?


  • Hi,
    Please send a link to your website.
    Disable all plugins and try to click the load more button
  • Hi,

    The link is in the first message, above. Please click the word 'here' in that message.

    This problem got resolved after I deactivated all plugins (as you requested), purged the cache both locally and on Cloudflare and then reactivated all of the pugins.

    However, the background is still black when it should be white on mobile devices (I sent you a separate message about this, but did not receive a reply). It is black even when all plugins are deactivated. Please see a screenshot here; as you can see from the shortcode at the top, Revolution Slider - like all my plugins - was deactivated at the time of this screenshot. 

    The background is only black when the screen is narrower than a certain number of pixels. It is black when held portrait, but white when held landscape. If you check responsinator.com, you can observe this for yourself.

    Please could you assist?
  • When I deactivated your custom CSS the background turned white so I suggest you take a look there.
  • Thank you. That helped me to find the offending line. Much appreciated. :)
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